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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file HybridHadronization.h
1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) The JETSCAPE Collaboration, 2019
3  *
4  * Modular, task-based framework for simulating all aspects of heavy-ion collisions
5  *
6  * For the list of contributors see AUTHORS.
7  *
8  * Report issues at
9  *
10  * or via email to
11  *
12  * Distributed under the GNU General Public License 3.0 (GPLv3 or later).
13  * See COPYING for details.
14  ******************************************************************************/
19 #include "HadronizationModule.h"
20 #include "JetScapeLogger.h"
21 #include "Pythia8/Pythia.h"
23 #include <cmath>
24 #include <random>
25 #include <vector>
27 using namespace Jetscape;
29 class HybridHadronization : public HadronizationModule<HybridHadronization>
30 {
31  public:
34  virtual ~HybridHadronization();
36  void Init();
37  void DoHadronization(vector<vector<shared_ptr<Parton>>>& shower, vector<shared_ptr<Hadron>>& hOut, vector<shared_ptr<Parton>>& pOut);
38  void WriteTask(weak_ptr<JetScapeWriter> w);
40  private:
41  // Allows the registration of the module so that it is available to be used by the Jetscape framework.
44  double SigM2_calc(double R2chg, double qm1, double qm2, double qq1, double qq2);
45  double SigBR2_calc(double R2chg, double qm1, double qm2, double qm3, double qq1, double qq2, double qq3);
46  double SigBL2_calc(double SigBR2, double qm1, double qm2, double qm3);
48  //double sigma_pi, sigma_k, sigma_nuc, maxE_level, gmax, xmq, xms, hbarc, dist2cut, sh_recofactor, th_recofactor, SigRB, SigLB;
49  double maxM_level, maxB_level, gmax, xmq, xms, xmc, xmb, hbarc, dist2cut, sh_recofactor, th_recofactor, p_fake, had_prop, part_prop, delta_t, hydro_Tc, eta_max_boost_inv;
51  double SigNucR2,SigNucL2,SigOmgR2,SigOmgL2,SigXiR2,SigXiL2,SigSigR2,SigSigL2,
52  SigOcccR2,SigOcccL2,SigOccR2,SigOccL2,SigXiccR2,SigXiccL2,SigOcR2,SigOcL2,SigXicR2,SigXicL2,SigSigcR2,SigSigcL2,
53  SigObbbR2,SigObbbL2,SigObbcR2,SigObbcL2,SigObbR2,SigObbL2,SigXibbR2,SigXibbL2,
54  SigObccR2,SigObccL2,SigObcR2,SigObcL2,SigXibcR2,SigXibcL2,SigObR2,SigObL2,SigXibR2,SigXibL2,SigSigbR2,SigSigbL2;
55  double SigPi2, SigPhi2, SigK2, SigJpi2, SigDs2, SigD2, SigUps2, SigBc2, SigB2;
56  bool inbrick, inhydro; int nreusehydro; double brickL, brickT;
57  const double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795;
59  unsigned int rand_seed;
64  bool afterburner_frag_hadrons = false;
67  //variables for recombination color structure
68  vector<vector<vector<int>>> Tempjunctions; // vector of all tempjunctions
69  vector<vector<int>> JunctionInfo; // vector of one junction's color tag and particle info
70  vector<int> IdColInfo1; vector<int> IdColInfo2; vector<int> IdColInfo3; vector<int> IdColInfo4;
72  std::mt19937_64 eng; //RNG - Mersenne Twist - 64 bit
73  double ran();
75  //4-vector boost
77  double xlam[4][4], beta2;
78  beta2 = B.x()*B.x() + B.y()*B.y() + B.z()*B.z();
79  B.Set(B.x(),B.y(),B.z(),1./(sqrt(1. - beta2)));
81  double beta2inv;
82  if(beta2 > 0.){beta2inv = 1./beta2;}
83  else{beta2inv = 0.;}
85  xlam[0][0] = B.t();
86  xlam[0][1] = -B.t()*B.x();
87  xlam[0][2] = -B.t()* B.y();
88  xlam[0][3] = -B.t()*B.z();
89  xlam[1][0] = xlam[0][1];
90  xlam[1][1] = 1.+(B.t() - 1.)*(B.x()*B.x())*beta2inv;
91  xlam[1][2] = (B.t()-1.)*B.x()*B.y()*beta2inv;
92  xlam[1][3] = (B.t()-1.)*B.x()*B.z()*beta2inv;
93  xlam[2][0] = xlam[0][2];
94  xlam[2][1] = xlam[1][2];
95  xlam[2][2] = 1.+(B.t()-1.)*(B.y()*B.y())*beta2inv;
96  xlam[2][3] = (B.t()-1.)*B.y()*B.z()*beta2inv;
97  xlam[3][0] = xlam[0][3];
98  xlam[3][1] = xlam[1][3];
99  xlam[3][2] = xlam[2][3];
100  xlam[3][3] = 1.+(B.t()-1.)*(B.z()*B.z())*beta2inv;
102  double t_out = vec_in.t()*xlam[0][0] + vec_in.x()*xlam[0][1] + vec_in.y()*xlam[0][2] + vec_in.z()*xlam[0][3];
103  double x_out = vec_in.t()*xlam[1][0] + vec_in.x()*xlam[1][1] + vec_in.y()*xlam[1][2] + vec_in.z()*xlam[1][3];
104  double y_out = vec_in.t()*xlam[2][0] + vec_in.x()*xlam[2][1] + vec_in.y()*xlam[2][2] + vec_in.z()*xlam[2][3];
105  double z_out = vec_in.t()*xlam[3][0] + vec_in.x()*xlam[3][1] + vec_in.y()*xlam[3][2] + vec_in.z()*xlam[3][3];
106  FourVector vec_out(x_out,y_out,z_out,t_out);
108  return vec_out;
109  }
111  //3-vec (4-vec w/3 components) diff^2 function
112  static double dif2(FourVector vec1, FourVector vec2){return (vec2.x()-vec1.x())*(vec2.x()-vec1.x()) + (vec2.y()-vec1.y())*(vec2.y()-vec1.y()) + (vec2.z()-vec1.z())*(vec2.z()-vec1.z());}
114  //parton class
115  //class parton{
116  class HHparton : public Parton{
117  protected:
118  //is shower/thermal originating parton; has been used; is a decayed gluon; is a remnant parton; used for reco; used for stringfrag; is endpoint of string
119  bool is_shower_, is_thermal_, is_used_, is_decayedglu_, is_remnant_, used_reco_, used_str_, is_strendpt_, used_junction_, is_fakep_;
120  //id: particle id, ?orig: particle origin(shower, thermal...)?, par: parent parton (perm. set for gluon decays), status: status of particle (is being considered in loop 'i')
121  //string_id: string identifier, pos_str: position of parton in string, endpt_id: denotes which endpoint this parton is (of the string), if it is one
122  int alt_id_, orig_, par_, string_id_, pos_str_, endpt_id_, sibling_, PY_par1_, PY_par2_, PY_dau1_, PY_dau2_, PY_stat_, PY_origid_, PY_tag1_, PY_tag2_, PY_tag3_;
123  //parton mass
124  double alt_mass_;
126  public:
127  //default constructor
128  HHparton() : Parton::Parton(1,1,1,0.,0.,0.,0.) {
129  is_shower_ = false; is_thermal_ = false; is_used_ = false; is_decayedglu_ = false; is_remnant_ = false; used_reco_ = false; used_str_ = false; is_strendpt_ = false; used_junction_ = false; is_fakep_ = false;
130  alt_id_ = 0; orig_ = 0; par_ = -1; string_id_ = 0; pos_str_ = 0; endpt_id_ = 0; sibling_ = 0; alt_mass_ = 0.;
131  PY_origid_ = 0; PY_par1_ = -1; PY_par2_ = -1; PY_dau1_ = -1; PY_dau2_ = -1; PY_stat_ = 23; /*PY_stat_ = 11;*/ PY_tag1_ = 0; PY_tag2_ = 0; PY_tag3_ = 0;
132  set_color(0); set_anti_color(0); set_stat(0);
133  }
135  //getter functions
136  double x() {return x_in().x();} double y() {return x_in().y();} double z() {return x_in().z();} double x_t() {return x_in().t();}
137  double px() {return p_in().x();} double py() {return p_in().y();} double pz() {return p_in().z();} double e() {return p_in().t();}
138  bool is_shower() {return is_shower_;} bool is_thermal() {return is_thermal_;} bool is_used() {return is_used_;} bool is_decayedglu() {return is_decayedglu_;}
139  bool is_remnant() {return is_remnant_;} bool used_reco() {return used_reco_;} bool used_str() {return used_str_;} bool is_strendpt() {return is_strendpt_;}
140  bool used_junction() {return used_junction_;} bool is_fakeparton() {return is_fakep_;}
141  int id() {return alt_id_;} int orig() {return orig_;} int par() {return par_;} int string_id() const {return string_id_;} int pos_str() const {return pos_str_;}
142  int endpt_id() {return endpt_id_;} int sibling() {return sibling_;} int PY_par1() {return PY_par1_;} int PY_par2() {return PY_par2_;}
143  int PY_dau1() {return PY_dau1_;} int PY_dau2() {return PY_dau2_;} int PY_stat() {return PY_stat_;} int PY_origid() {return PY_origid_;}
144  int PY_tag1() {return PY_tag1_;} int PY_tag2() {return PY_tag2_;} int PY_tag3() {return PY_tag3_;}
145  double mass() {return alt_mass_;}
146  FourVector pos() {return x_in();}
147  FourVector P() {return p_in();}
148  int status() {return pstat();} int col() {return color();} int acol() {return anti_color();}
150  //setter functions
151  void x(double val) {x_in_.Set(val,x_in().y(),x_in().z(),x_in().t());}
152  void y(double val) {x_in_.Set(x_in().x(),val,x_in().z(),x_in().t());}
153  void z(double val) {x_in_.Set(x_in().x(),x_in().y(),val,x_in().t());}
154  void x_t(double val){x_in_.Set(x_in().x(),x_in().y(),x_in().z(),val);}
155  void pos(FourVector val) {x_in_.Set(val.x(),val.y(),val.z(),val.t());}
156  void px(double val) {reset_momentum(val,py(),pz(),e());}
157  void py(double val) {reset_momentum(px(),val,pz(),e());}
158  void pz(double val) {reset_momentum(px(),py(),val,e());}
159  void e(double val) {reset_momentum(px(),py(),pz(),val);}
160  void P(FourVector val) {reset_momentum(val);}
162  void is_shower(bool val) {is_shower_ = val;} void is_thermal(bool val) {is_thermal_ = val;} void is_used(bool val) {is_used_ = val;} void is_decayedglu(bool val) {is_decayedglu_ = val;}
163  void is_remnant(bool val) {is_remnant_ = val;} void used_reco(bool val) {used_reco_ = val;} void used_str(bool val) {used_str_ = val;} void is_strendpt(bool val) {is_strendpt_ = val;}
164  void used_junction(bool val) {used_junction_ = val;} void is_fakeparton(bool val) {is_fakep_ = val;}
165  void id(int val) {alt_id_ = val;} void orig(int val) {orig_ = val;} void par(int val) {par_ = val;}
166  void string_id(int val) {string_id_ = val;} void pos_str(int val) {pos_str_ = val;} void endpt_id(int val) {endpt_id_ = val;} void sibling(int val) {sibling_ = val;}
167  void PY_par1(int val) {PY_par1_ = val;} void PY_par2(int val) {PY_par2_ = val;} void PY_dau1(int val) {PY_dau1_ = val;} void PY_dau2(int val) {PY_dau2_ = val;}
168  void PY_stat(int val) {PY_stat_ = val;} void PY_origid(int val) {PY_origid_ = val;}
169  void PY_tag1(int val) {PY_tag1_ = val;} void PY_tag2(int val) {PY_tag2_ = val;} void PY_tag3(int val) {PY_tag3_ = val;}
170  void mass(double val) {alt_mass_ = val;}
171  void status(int val) {set_stat(val);} void col(int val) {set_color(val);} void acol(int val) {set_anti_color(val);}
173  //boost functions
174  FourVector boost_P(FourVector B){return HHboost(B,p_in());}
175  FourVector boost_P(double vx, double vy, double vz){FourVector B(vx,vy,vz,0.); return HHboost(B,p_in());}
176  FourVector boost_pos(FourVector B){return HHboost(B,x_in());}
177  FourVector boost_pos(double vx, double vy, double vz){FourVector B(vx,vy,vz,0.); return HHboost(B,x_in());}
179  double pDif2(HHparton comp){return dif2(p_in(),comp.p_in());}
180  double posDif2(HHparton comp){return dif2(x_in(),comp.x_in());}
182  };
184  //hadron class
185  class HHhadron : public Hadron{
186  protected:
187  bool is_excited_, is_shsh_, is_shth_, is_thth_, is_recohad_, is_strhad_, is_final_;
188  //id: particle id, ?orig: particle origin(sh-sh, sh-th, th-th, recombined, stringfragmented...),
189  //par_str: parent string number, parh: parent hadron (decayed), status: status of particle (final, used, decayed, etc...)
190  int orig_, parstr_, parh_;
191  //hadron mass
192  double alt_mass_;
193  //vector of partonic parents
194  //std::vector<int> parents;
196  public:
197  //default constructor
198  HHhadron() : Hadron::Hadron(1,1,1,0.,0.,0.,0.) {
199  is_excited_ = false; is_shsh_ = false; is_shth_ = false; is_thth_ = false; is_recohad_ = false; is_strhad_ = false; is_final_ = false;
200  orig_ = 0; parstr_ = 0; parh_ = -1; alt_mass_ = 0.; set_stat(0);
201  }
203  //vector of partonic parents
204  std::vector<int> parents;
206  //getter/setter for parents
207  int par(int i){if((i>=0) && (i<parents.size())){return parents[i];}else{return 999999;}}
208  void add_par(int i){parents.push_back(i);}
210  //vector of colors (from partons that formed it)
211  std::vector<int> cols;
213  //getter/setter for colors
214  int col(int i){if((i>=0) && (i<cols.size())){return cols[i];}else{return -1;}}
215  void add_col(int i){cols.push_back(i);}
217  //getter functions
218  double x() {return x_in().x();} double y() {return x_in().y();} double z() {return x_in().z();} double x_t() {return x_in().t();}
219  double px() {return p_in().x();} double py() {return p_in().y();} double pz() {return p_in().z();} double e() {return p_in().t();}
220  bool is_excited() {return is_excited_;} bool is_shsh() {return is_shsh_;} bool is_shth() {return is_shth_;} bool is_thth() {return is_thth_;}
221  bool is_recohad() {return is_recohad_;} bool is_strhad() {return is_strhad_;} bool is_final() {return is_final_;}
222  int orig() {return orig_;} int parstr() {return parstr_;} int parh() {return parh_;}
223  double mass() {return alt_mass_;}
224  FourVector pos() {return x_in();}
225  FourVector P() {return p_in();}
226  int id() {return pid();} int status() {return pstat();}
228  //setter functions
229  void x(double val) {x_in_.Set(val,x_in().y(),x_in().z(),x_in().t());}
230  void y(double val) {x_in_.Set(x_in().x(),val,x_in().z(),x_in().t());}
231  void z(double val) {x_in_.Set(x_in().x(),x_in().y(),val,x_in().t());}
232  void x_t(double val){x_in_.Set(x_in().x(),x_in().y(),x_in().z(),val);}
233  void pos(FourVector val) {x_in_.Set(val.x(),val.y(),val.z(),val.t());}
234  void px(double val) {reset_momentum(val,py(),pz(),e());}
235  void py(double val) {reset_momentum(px(),val,pz(),e());}
236  void pz(double val) {reset_momentum(px(),py(),val,e());}
237  void e(double val) {reset_momentum(px(),py(),pz(),val);}
238  void P(FourVector val) {reset_momentum(val);}
240  void is_excited(bool val) {is_excited_ = val;} void is_shsh(bool val) {is_shsh_ = val;} void is_shth(bool val) {is_shth_ = val;} void is_thth(bool val) {is_thth_ = val;}
241  void is_recohad(bool val) {is_recohad_ = val;} void is_strhad(bool val) {is_strhad_ = val;} void is_final(bool val) {is_final_ = val;}
242  void orig(int val) {orig_ = val;} void parstr(int val) {parstr_ = val;} void parh(int val) {parh_ = val;}
243  void mass(double val) {alt_mass_ = val;}
244  void id(int val) {set_id(val);} void status(int val) {set_stat(val);}
246  //Lorentz boost functions
247  FourVector boost_P(FourVector B){return HHboost(B,p_in());}
248  FourVector boost_P(double vx, double vy, double vz){FourVector B(vx,vy,vz,0.); return HHboost(B,p_in());}
249  FourVector boost_pos(FourVector B){return HHboost(B,x_in());}
250  FourVector boost_pos(double vx, double vy, double vz){FourVector B(vx,vy,vz,0.); return HHboost(B,x_in());}
251  };
253  //class holding a collection of partons
255  public:
256  //the actual collection of partons
257  std::vector<HHparton> partons;
258  //default constructor
259  parton_collection() {partons.clear();}
260  //constructor given a single initial parton
261  parton_collection(HHparton par) {partons.push_back(par);}
262  //add a parton to the collection
263  void add(HHparton par) {partons.push_back(par);}
264  //add a collection of partons to the collection
265  void add(parton_collection pars) {for (int i=0; i<pars.num(); ++i){partons.push_back(pars[i]);}}
266  //get the number of partons in the collection
267  int num() {return partons.size();}
268  //empty the collection
269  void clear() {partons.clear();}
270  //insert a parton at position i
271  void insert(int i, HHparton newparton) {partons.insert(partons.begin()+i, newparton);}
272  //remove the parton at position i
273  void remove(int i) {partons.erase(partons.begin()+i);}
274  //swap partons at positions i, j
275  void swap(int i, int j) {if((i >= 0) && (i < partons.size()) && (j >= 0) && (j < partons.size())) {std::swap(partons[i],partons[j]);}}
276  //random access iterator pointing to first element in partons
277  std::vector<HHparton>::iterator begin() {return partons.begin();}
278  //random access iterator pointing to last element in partons
279  std::vector<HHparton>::iterator end() {return partons.end();}
281  //overloading a few operators; ++, --, []
282  //++ adds an empty particle, -- removes last particle, [i] allows access to i'th particle directly
283 /* parton_collection& operator++(){HHparton par; partons.push_back(par);}
284  parton_collection operator++(int){
285  parton_collection temp(*this);
286  ++(*this);
287  return temp;
288  }
289  parton_collection& operator--(){partons.pop_back();}
290  parton_collection operator--(int){
291  parton_collection temp(*this);
292  --(*this);
293  return temp;
294  }*/
295  HHparton& operator[](int i) {return partons[i];}
296  const HHparton& operator[](int i) const {return partons[i];}
297  };
299  //class holding a collection of hadrons
301  public:
302  //the actual collection of hadrons
303  std::vector<HHhadron> hadrons;
304  //default constructor
305  hadron_collection() {hadrons.clear();}
306  //constructor given an initial hadron
307  hadron_collection(HHhadron had) {hadrons.push_back(had);}
308  //add a hadron to the collection
309  void add(HHhadron had) {hadrons.push_back(had);}
310  //add a collection of partons to the collection
311  void add(hadron_collection hads) {for (int i=0; i<hads.num(); ++i){hadrons.push_back(hads[i]);}}
312  //get the number of hadrons in the collection
313  int num() {return hadrons.size();}
314  //empty the collection
315  void clear() {hadrons.clear();}
317  //overloading a few operators; ++, --, []
318  //++ adds an empty particle, -- removes last particle, [i] allows access to i'th particle directly
319 /* hadron_collection& operator++(){HHhadron had; hadrons.push_back(had);}
320  hadron_collection operator++(int){
321  hadron_collection temp(*this);
322  ++(*this);
323  return temp;
324  }
325  hadron_collection& operator--(){hadrons.pop_back();}
326  hadron_collection operator--(int){
327  hadron_collection temp(*this);
328  --(*this);
329  return temp;
330  }*/
331  HHhadron& operator[](int i) {return hadrons[i];}
332 // const HHhadron& operator[](int i) {return hadrons[i];}
333  const HHhadron& operator[](int i) const {return hadrons[i];}
334  };
336  //used classes
339  parton_collection HH_showerptns, HH_remnants, HH_pyremn;
342  //function to form strings out of original shower
343  void stringform();
345  //recombination module
346  void recomb();
348  //functions to set hadron id based on quark content, mass, and if it's in an excited state
349  void set_baryon_id(parton_collection& qrks,HHhadron& had);
350  void set_meson_id(parton_collection& qrks,HHhadron& had, int l, int k);
352  //gluon to q-qbar splitting function - for recombination use
353  void gluon_decay(HHparton& glu, parton_collection& qrks);
355  //finding a sibling thermal parton for the "ithm'th" thermal parton
356  int findthermalsibling(int ithm, parton_collection& therm);
357  int findcloserepl(HHparton ptn, int iptn, bool lbt, bool thm, parton_collection& sh_lbt, parton_collection& therm);
358  void findcloserepl_glu(HHparton ptn, int iptn, bool lbt, bool thm, parton_collection& sh_lbt, parton_collection& therm, int sel_out[]);
360  //function to prepare strings for input into Pythia8
361  void stringprep(parton_collection& SP_remnants, parton_collection& SP_prepremn, bool cutstr);
363  //function to hand partons/strings and hadron resonances (and other color neutral objects) to Pythia8
364  bool invoke_py();
366  // function to set the spacetime information for the hadrons coming from pythia
367  void set_spacetime_for_pythia_hadrons(Pythia8::Event &event, int &size_input, std::vector<int> &eve_to_had, int pythia_attempt, bool find_positions, bool is_recohadron, bool recohadron_shsh);
369  // function to 'shake' the event a bit to bring the hadrons to their mass shell
370  void bring_hadrons_to_mass_shell(hadron_collection& HH_hadrons);
372  void set_initial_parton_masses(parton_collection& HH_showerptns);
374  void convert_color_tags_to_int_type(vector<vector<shared_ptr<Parton>>>& shower);
376  // scale the energies/momenta of the negative hadrons to have energy conservation
377  void scale_kinematics_negative_hadrons(hadron_collection& HH_hadrons, double shower_energy, double positive_hadrons_energy);
379  protected:
380  static Pythia8::Pythia pythia;
382 };