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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SimulationActor.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018-2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
18 #include <algorithm>
19 #include <cassert>
20 #include <limits>
22 namespace ActsFatras {
23 namespace detail {
37 template <typename generator_t, typename decay_t, typename interactions_t,
38  typename hit_surface_selector_t>
44  // This references the SimulationActor to automatically access its result
45  // type.
48  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
49  typename navigator_t>
50  constexpr bool operator()(propagator_state_t & /*state*/,
51  const stepper_t & /*stepper*/,
52  const navigator_t & /*navigator*/,
53  const result_type &result,
54  const Acts::Logger & /*logger*/) const {
55  // must return true if the propagation should abort
56  return not result.isAlive;
57  }
58  };
61  generator_t *generator = nullptr;
63  decay_t decay;
65  interactions_t interactions;
67  hit_surface_selector_t selectHitSurface;
83  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
84  typename navigator_t>
85  void operator()(propagator_state_t &state, stepper_t &stepper,
86  navigator_t &navigator, result_type &result,
87  const Acts::Logger & /*logger*/) const {
88  assert(generator and "The generator pointer must be valid");
90  // actors are called once more after the propagation terminated
91  if (not result.isAlive) {
92  return;
93  }
95  // check if we are still on the start surface and skip if so
96  if ((navigator.startSurface(state.navigation) != nullptr) &&
97  (navigator.startSurface(state.navigation) ==
98  navigator.currentSurface(state.navigation))) {
99  return;
100  }
102  // update the particle state first. this also computes the proper time which
103  // needs the particle state from the previous step for reference. that means
104  // this must happen for every step (not just on surface) and before
105  // everything, e.g. any interactions that could modify the state.
106  if (std::isnan(result.properTimeLimit)) {
107  // first step is special: there is no previous state and we need to arm
108  // the decay simulation for all future steps.
109  result.particle =
110  makeParticle(initialParticle, state, stepper, navigator);
111  result.properTimeLimit =
112  decay.generateProperTimeLimit(*generator, initialParticle);
113  } else {
114  result.particle =
115  makeParticle(result.particle, state, stepper, navigator);
116  }
118  // decay check. needs to happen at every step, not just on surfaces.
119  if (result.properTimeLimit - result.particle.properTime() <
121  auto descendants =, result.particle);
122  for (auto &&descendant : descendants) {
123  result.generatedParticles.emplace_back(std::move(descendant));
124  }
125  result.isAlive = false;
126  return;
127  }
129  // Regulate the step size
130  if (std::isfinite(result.properTimeLimit)) {
131  // beta² = p²/E²
132  // gamma = 1 / sqrt(1 - beta²) = sqrt(m² + p²) / m = E / m
133  // time = proper-time * gamma
134  // ds = beta * dt = (p/E) dt (E/m) = (p/m) proper-time
135  const auto properTimeDiff =
136  result.properTimeLimit - result.particle.properTime();
137  // Evaluate the step size for massive particle, assuming massless
138  // particles to be stable
139  const auto stepSize = properTimeDiff *
140  result.particle.absoluteMomentum() /
141  result.particle.mass();
142  stepper.setStepSize(state.stepping, stepSize,
144  }
146  // arm the point-like interaction limits in the first step
147  if (std::isnan(result.x0Limit) or std::isnan(result.l0Limit)) {
149  }
151  // If we are on target, everything should have been done
152  if (navigator.targetReached(state.navigation)) {
153  return;
154  }
155  // If we are not on a surface, there is nothing further for us to do
156  if (not navigator.currentSurface(state.navigation)) {
157  return;
158  }
159  const Acts::Surface &surface = *navigator.currentSurface(state.navigation);
161  // we need the particle state before and after the interaction for the hit
162  // creation. create a copy since the particle will be modified in-place.
163  const Particle before = result.particle;
165  // interactions only make sense if there is material to interact with.
166  if (surface.surfaceMaterial()) {
167  // TODO is this the right thing to do when globalToLocal fails?
168  // it should in principle never happen, so probably it would be best
169  // to change to a model using transform() directly
170  auto lpResult = surface.globalToLocal(state.geoContext, before.position(),
171  before.direction());
172  if (lpResult.ok()) {
173  Acts::Vector2 local = lpResult.value();
174  Acts::MaterialSlab slab =
175  surface.surfaceMaterial()->materialSlab(local);
176  // again: interact only if there is valid material to interact with
177  if (slab) {
178  // adapt material for non-zero incidence
179  auto normal = surface.normal(state.geoContext, local);
180  // dot-product(unit normal, direction) = cos(incidence angle)
181  // particle direction is normalized, not sure about surface normal
182  auto cosIncidenceInv = normal.norm() /;
183  // apply abs in case `normal` and `before` produce an angle > 90°
184  slab.scaleThickness(std::abs(cosIncidenceInv));
185  // run the interaction simulation
186  interact(slab, result); // MARK: fpeMask(FLTUND, 1, #2346)
187  }
188  }
189  }
190  const Particle &after = result.particle;
192  // store results of this interaction step, including potential hits
193  if (selectHitSurface(surface)) {
194  result.hits.emplace_back(
195  surface.geometryId(), before.particleId(),
196  // the interaction could potentially modify the particle position
197  Hit::Scalar(0.5) * (before.fourPosition() + after.fourPosition()),
198  before.fourMomentum(), after.fourMomentum(), result.hits.size());
199  }
201  if (after.absoluteMomentum() == 0.0) {
202  result.isAlive = false;
203  return;
204  }
206  // continue the propagation with the modified parameters
207  stepper.update(state.stepping, after.position(), after.direction(),
208  after.qOverP(), after.time());
209  }
212  template <typename propagator_state_t, typename stepper_t,
213  typename navigator_t>
214  Particle makeParticle(const Particle &previous, propagator_state_t &state,
215  stepper_t &stepper, navigator_t &navigator) const {
216  // a particle can lose energy and thus its gamma factor is not a constant
217  // of motion. since the stepper provides only the lab time, we need to
218  // compute the change in proper time for each step separately. this assumes
219  // that the gamma factor is constant over one stepper step.
220  const auto deltaLabTime = stepper.time(state.stepping) - previous.time();
221  // proper-time = time / gamma = (1/gamma) * time
222  // beta² = p²/E²
223  // gamma = 1 / sqrt(1 - beta²) = sqrt(m² + p²) / m
224  // 1/gamma = m / sqrt(m² + p²) = m / E
225  const auto gammaInv = previous.mass() /;
226  const auto properTime = previous.properTime() + gammaInv * deltaLabTime;
227  const Acts::Surface *currentSurface = nullptr;
228  if (navigator.currentSurface(state.navigation) != nullptr) {
229  currentSurface = navigator.currentSurface(state.navigation);
230  }
231  // copy all properties and update kinematic state from stepper
232  return Particle(previous)
233  .setPosition4(stepper.position(state.stepping),
234  stepper.time(state.stepping))
235  .setDirection(stepper.direction(state.stepping))
236  .setAbsoluteMomentum(stepper.absoluteMomentum(state.stepping))
237  .setProperTime(properTime)
238  .setReferenceSurface(currentSurface);
239  }
243  result_type &result) const {
244  auto selection = interactions.armPointLike(*generator, particle);
245  result.x0Limit = selection.x0Limit;
246  result.l0Limit = selection.l0Limit;
247  result.x0Process = selection.x0Process;
248  result.l0Process = selection.l0Process;
249  }
255  void interact(const Acts::MaterialSlab &slab, result_type &result) const {
256  // run the continuous processes over a fraction of the material. returns
257  // true on break condition (same as the underlying physics lists).
258  auto runContinuousPartial = [&, this](float fraction) {
259  Acts::MaterialSlab partialSlab = slab;
260  partialSlab.scaleThickness(fraction);
261  // material after passing this slab
262  const auto x0 = result.particle.pathInX0() + partialSlab.thicknessInX0();
263  const auto l0 = result.particle.pathInX0() + partialSlab.thicknessInL0();
264  bool retval = false;
265  if (interactions.runContinuous(*(this->generator), partialSlab,
266  result.particle,
267  result.generatedParticles)) {
268  result.isAlive = false;
269  retval = true;
270  }
271  // the SimulationActor is in charge of keeping track of the material.
272  // since the accumulated material is stored in the particle it could (but
273  // should not) be modified by a physics process. to avoid issues, the
274  // material is updated only after process simulation has occured. this
275  // intentionally overwrites any material updates made by the process.
276  result.particle.setMaterialPassed(x0, l0);
277  return retval;
278  };
280  // material thickness measured in radiation/interaction lengths
281  const auto slabX0 = slab.thicknessInX0();
282  const auto slabL0 = slab.thicknessInL0();
283  // remaining radiation/interaction length to next point-like interaction
284  // NOTE for limit=inf this should result in dist=inf
285  const auto x0Dist = result.x0Limit - result.particle.pathInX0();
286  const auto l0Dist = result.l0Limit - result.particle.pathInL0();
288  // something point-like could happen within this material and we need to
289  // select which process would come first. x0/l0 measures the propagated path
290  // along different scales. to be able to check which one would happen first
291  // they need to be translated to a common scale.
293  // relative fraction within material where the interaction occurs.
294  //
295  // fraction < 0:
296  // this is an error case where the point-like interaction should have
297  // occured before reaching the material. not sure how this could happen,
298  // but in such a case the point-like interaction happens immediately.
299  // 1 < fraction:
300  // the next point-like interaction does not occur within the current
301  // material. simulation is limited to the continuous processes.
302  //
303  // `clamp` ensures a valid range in all cases.
304  const float fracX0 = std::clamp(float(x0Dist / slabX0), 0.0f, 1.0f);
305  const float fracL0 = std::clamp(float(l0Dist / slabL0), 0.0f, 1.0f);
306  // fraction of the material where the first point-like interaction occurs
307  const float frac = std::min(fracX0, fracL0);
309  // do not run if there is zero material before the point-like interaction
310  if (0.0f < frac) {
311  // simulate continuous processes before the point-like interaction
312  if (runContinuousPartial(frac)) {
313  return;
314  }
315  }
316  // do not run if there is no point-like interaction
317  if (frac < 1.0f) {
318  // select which process to simulate
319  const size_t process =
320  (fracX0 < fracL0) ? result.x0Process : result.l0Process;
321  // simulate the selected point-like process
322  if (interactions.runPointLike(*generator, process, result.particle,
323  result.generatedParticles)) {
324  result.isAlive = false;
325  return;
326  }
327  // simulate continuous processes after the point-like interaction
328  if (runContinuousPartial(1.0 - frac)) {
329  return;
330  }
332  // particle is still alive and point-like interactions can occur again.
333  // in principle, the re-arming should occur directly after the point-like
334  // process. this could lead to a situation where the next interaction
335  // should already occur within the same material slab. thus, re-arming is
336  // done after all processes are simulated to enforce the
337  // one-interaction-per-slab rule.
338  armPointLikeInteractions(result.particle, result);
339  }
340  }
341 };
343 } // namespace detail
344 } // namespace ActsFatras