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test_style.C File Reference

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TH1F h1 ("h1","H1;Mass [GeV];Counts [/ GeV];", 20, 0, 20)
TH1F h2 ("h2","H2;Mass [GeV];Counts [/ GeV];", 20, 0, 20)
 for (int i=0;i< 1000;i++)
h1 Draw ("e1")
h2 Draw ("same")
h2 SetFillColor (5)
h1 Draw ("e1same")
TLegend leg (.55,.70,.85,.93)
leg AddEntry ("","#it{#bf{sPHENIX}} Simulation","")
leg AddEntry ("","Au+Au #sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV","")
leg Draw ()
c RedrawAxis ()
c Print ("test_style.pdf")
c Print ("test_style.png")
c2 SetRightMargin (.2)
TF2 f2 ("f2","exp(-x/5)*sin(y)",-5, 5,-5, 5)
f2 SetNpx (100)
f2 SetNpy (100)
f2 Draw ("surf2z")
f2 GetXaxis () -> SetTitle("X")
f2 GetYaxis () -> SetTitle("Y")
f2 GetZaxis () -> SetTitle("Z")
c2 Print ("test_style_f2.pdf")
c2 Print ("test_style_f2.png")


leg AddEntryh1
leg AddEntryh2
TCanvas c2

Function Documentation

leg AddEntry ( ""  ,
"#it{#bf{sPHENIX}} Simulation"  ,
leg AddEntry ( ""  )
h1 Draw ( "e1"  )
h2 Draw ( "same"  )
h1 Draw ( "e1same"  )
leg Draw ( )
f2 Draw ( "surf2z"  )
TF2 f2 ( "f2"  ,
"exp(-x/5)*sin(y)"  ,
for ( )

Definition at line 6 of file test_style.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 6 of file test_style.C

References h1.

f2 GetZaxis ( ) -> SetTitle("Z")
TH1F h1 ( "h1"  ,
"H1;Mass ;Counts ;"  [GeV][/GeV],
20  ,
TH1F h2 ( "h2"  ,
"H2;Mass ;Counts ;"  [GeV][/GeV],
20  ,
TLegend leg ( 55,
c Print ( "test_style.pdf"  )
c Print ( "test_style.png"  )
c2 Print ( "test_style_f2.pdf"  )
c2 Print ( "test_style_f2.png"  )
c RedrawAxis ( )
h2 SetFillColor ( )
f2 SetNpx ( 100  )
f2 SetNpy ( 100  )
c2 SetRightMargin ( 2)

Variable Documentation

TCanvas c2

Definition at line 24 of file test_style.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 24 of file test_style.C

Definition at line 17 of file test_style.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 17 of file test_style.C

Definition at line 18 of file test_style.C.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 18 of file test_style.C