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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file pygaga.f
1 C*********************************************************************
4 C...For lepton beams it gives photon-hadron or photon-photon systems
5 be treated with the ordinary machinery and combines this with a
6 C...description of the lepton -> lepton + photon branching.
10 C...Double precision and integer declarations.
13  INTEGER pyk,pychge,pycomp
14 C...Commonblocks.
15  common/pyjets/n,npad,k(4000,5),p(4000,5),v(4000,5)
16  common/pydat1/mstu(200),paru(200),mstj(200),parj(200)
17  common/pydat2/kchg(500,4),pmas(500,4),parf(2000),vckm(4,4)
18  common/pysubs/msel,mselpd,msub(500),kfin(2,-40:40),ckin(200)
19  common/pypars/mstp(200),parp(200),msti(200),pari(200)
20  common/pyint1/mint(400),vint(400)
21  common/pyint5/ngenpd,ngen(0:500,3),xsec(0:500,3)
22  DOUBLE PRECISION minq2, rccorr, pyth_xsec, temp, etheta
23  DOUBLE PRECISION ppt, ppx, ppy
24  include ""
25  include ""
26  include ""
27  include ""
28  include ""
30  SAVE /pyjets/,/pydat1/,/pydat2/,/pysubs/,/pypars/,/pyint1/,
31  &/pyint5/
32 C...Local variables and data statement.
33  dimension pms(2),xmin(2),xmax(2),q2min(2),q2max(2),pmc(3),
34  &x(2),q2(2),y(2),theta(2),phi(2),pt(2),beta(3)
35  SAVE pms,xmin,xmax,q2min,q2max,pmc,x,q2,theta,phi,pt,w2min,
36  & ymin,ymax
37  DATA eps/1d-4/
39 C...Initialize generation of photons inside leptons.
40  IF(igaga.EQ.1) THEN
42 C...Save quantities on incoming lepton system.
43  vint(301)=vint(1)
44  vint(302)=vint(2)
45  pms(1)=vint(303)**2
46  IF(mint(141).EQ.0) pms(1)=sign(vint(3)**2,vint(3))
47  pms(2)=vint(304)**2
48  IF(mint(142).EQ.0) pms(2)=sign(vint(4)**2,vint(4))
49  pmc(3)=vint(302)-pms(1)-pms(2)
50  w2min=max(ckin(77),2d0*ckin(3),2d0*ckin(5))**2
52 C...Calculate range of x and Q2 values allowed in generation.
53  DO 100 i=1,2
54  pmc(i)=vint(302)+pms(i)-pms(3-i)
55  IF(mint(140+i).NE.0) THEN
56  xmin(i)=max(ckin(59+2*i),eps)
57  xmax(i)=min(ckin(60+2*i),1d0-2d0*vint(301)*sqrt(pms(i))/
58  & pmc(i),1d0-eps)
59  ymin=max(ckin(71+2*i),eps)
60  ymax=min(ckin(72+2*i),1d0-eps)
61  IF(ckin(64+2*i).GT.0d0) xmin(i)=max(xmin(i),
62  & (ymin*pmc(3)-ckin(64+2*i))/pmc(i))
63  xmax(i)=min(xmax(i),(ymax*pmc(3)-ckin(63+2*i))/pmc(i))
64  themin=max(ckin(67+2*i),0d0)
65  themax=min(ckin(68+2*i),paru(1))
66  IF(ckin(68+2*i).LT.0d0) themax=paru(1)
67  q2min(i)=max(ckin(63+2*i),xmin(i)**2*pms(i)/(1d0-xmin(i))+
68  & ((1d0-xmax(i))*(vint(302)-2d0*pms(3-i))-
69  & 2d0*pms(i)/(1d0-xmax(i)))*sin(themin/2d0)**2,0d0)
70  q2max(i)=xmax(i)**2*pms(i)/(1d0-xmax(i))+
71  & ((1d0-xmin(i))*(vint(302)-2d0*pms(3-i))-
72  & 2d0*pms(i)/(1d0-xmin(i)))*sin(themax/2d0)**2
73  IF(ckin(64+2*i).GT.0d0) q2max(i)=min(ckin(64+2*i),q2max(i))
74 C...W limits when lepton on one side only.
75  IF(mint(143-i).EQ.0) THEN
76  xmin(i)=max(xmin(i),(w2min-pms(3-i))/pmc(i))
77  IF(ckin(78).GT.0d0) xmax(i)=min(xmax(i),
78  & (ckin(78)**2-pms(3-i))/pmc(i))
81  100 CONTINUE
83 C...W limits when lepton on both sides.
84  IF(mint(141) THEN
85  IF(ckin(78).GT.0d0) xmax(1)=min(xmax(1),
86  & (ckin(78)**2+pmc(3)-pmc(2)*xmin(2))/pmc(1))
87  IF(ckin(78).GT.0d0) xmax(2)=min(xmax(2),
88  & (ckin(78)**2+pmc(3)-pmc(1)*xmin(1))/pmc(2))
89  IF(iabs(mint(141)).NE.iabs(mint(142))) THEN
90  xmin(1)=max(xmin(1),(pms(1)-pms(2)+vint(302)*(w2min-
91  & pms(1)-pms(2))/(pmc(2)*xmax(2)+pms(1)-pms(2)))/pmc(1))
92  xmin(2)=max(xmin(2),(pms(2)-pms(1)+vint(302)*(w2min-
93  & pms(1)-pms(2))/(pmc(1)*xmax(1)+pms(2)-pms(1)))/pmc(2))
94  ELSE
95  xmin(1)=max(xmin(1),w2min/(vint(302)*xmax(2)))
96  xmin(2)=max(xmin(2),w2min/(vint(302)*xmax(1)))
100 C...Q2 and W values and photon flux weight factors for initialization.
101  ELSEIF(igaga.EQ.2) THEN
102  isub=mint(1)
103  mint(15)=0
104  mint(16)=0
106 C...W value for photon on one or both sides, and for processes
107 C...with gamma-gamma cross section peaked at small shat.
108  IF(mint(141) THEN
109  vint(2)=vint(302)+pms(1)-pmc(1)*(1d0-xmax(1))
110  ELSEIF(mint(141) THEN
111  vint(2)=vint(302)+pms(2)-pmc(2)*(1d0-xmax(2))
112  ELSEIF(isub.GE.137.AND.isub.LE.140) THEN
113  vint(2)=max(ckin(77)**2,12d0*max(ckin(3),ckin(5))**2)
114  IF(ckin(78).GT.0d0) vint(2)=min(vint(2),ckin(78)**2)
115  ELSE
116  vint(2)=xmax(1)*xmax(2)*vint(302)
117  IF(ckin(78).GT.0d0) vint(2)=min(vint(2),ckin(78)**2)
118  ENDIF
119  vint(1)=sqrt(max(0d0,vint(2)))
121 C...Upper estimate of photon flux weight factor.
122 C...Initialization Q2 scale. Flag incoming unresolved photon.
123  wtgaga=1d0
124  DO 110 i=1,2
125  IF(mint(140+i).NE.0) THEN
126  IF(mstp(199).EQ.1) then
127  wtgaga=wtgaga*2d0*(paru(101)/paru(2))*
128  & (log(real(mcset_ymax/mcset_ymin)))*
129  & (log(real(mcset_q2max/mcset_q2min)))
130  ELSE
131  wtgaga=wtgaga*2d0*(paru(101)/paru(2))*
132  & log(xmax(i)/xmin(i))*log(q2max(i)/q2min(i))
133  ENDIF
134  IF(
135  & THEN
136  q2init=5d0+q2min(3-i)
138  q2init=pmas(pycomp(113),1)**2+q2min(3-i)
139  ELSEIF(isub.EQ.132.OR.isub.EQ.134.OR.isub.EQ.136) THEN
140  q2init=max(ckin(1),2d0*ckin(3),2d0*ckin(5))**2/3d0
141  ELSEIF((isub.EQ.138.AND.i.EQ.2).OR.
142  & (isub.EQ.139.AND.i.EQ.1)) THEN
143  q2init=vint(2)/3d0
144  ELSEIF(isub.EQ.140) THEN
145  q2init=vint(2)/2d0
146  ELSE
147  q2init=q2min(i)
148  ENDIF
149  vint(2+i)=-sqrt(max(q2min(i),min(q2max(i),q2init)))
150  IF(mstp(14).EQ.0.OR.(isub.GE.131.AND.isub.LE.140))
151  & mint(14+i)=22
152  vint(306+i)=vint(2+i)**2
153  ENDIF
154  110 CONTINUE
155  vint(320)=wtgaga
157 C...Update pTmin and cross section information.
158  IF(mstp(82).LE.1) THEN
159  ptmn=parp(81)*(vint(1)/parp(89))**parp(90)
160  ELSE
161  ptmn=parp(82)*(vint(1)/parp(89))**parp(90)
162  ENDIF
163  vint(149)=4d0*ptmn**2/vint(2)
164  vint(154)=ptmn
165  CALL pyxtot
166  vint(318)=vint(317)
168 C...Generate photons inside leptons and
169 C...calculate photon flux weight factors.
170  ELSEIF(igaga.EQ.3) THEN
171  isub=mint(1)
172  mint(15)=0
173  mint(16)=0
175 C...Generate phase space point and check against cuts.
176  loop=0
177  120 loop=loop+1
178  DO 130 i=1,2
179  IF(mint(140+i).NE.0) THEN
180 C...Pick x and Q2
181  x(i)=xmin(i)*(xmax(i)/xmin(i))**pyr(0)
182  q2(i)=q2min(i)*(q2max(i)/q2min(i))**pyr(0)
183 C...Cuts on internal consistency in x and Q2.
184  IF(q2(i).LT.x(i)**2*pms(i)/(1d0-x(i))) goto 120
185  IF(q2(i).GT.(1d0-x(i))*(vint(302)-2d0*pms(3-i))-
186  & (2d0-x(i)**2)*pms(i)/(1d0-x(i))) goto 120
187 C...Cuts on y and theta.
188  y(i)=(pmc(i)*x(i)+q2(i))/pmc(3)
189  IF(y(i).LT.ckin(71+2*i).OR.y(i).GT.ckin(72+2*i)) goto 120
190  rat=((1d0-x(i))*q2(i)-x(i)**2*pms(i))/
191  & ((1d0-x(i))**2*(vint(302)-2d0*pms(3-i)-2d0*pms(i)))
192  theta(i)=2d0*asin(sqrt(max(0d0,min(1d0,rat))))
193  IF(theta(i).LT.ckin(67+2*i)) goto 120
194  IF(ckin(68+2*i).GT.0d0.AND.theta(i).GT.ckin(68+2*i))
195  & goto 120
197 C...Phi angle isotropic. Reconstruct pT.
198  phi(i)=paru(2)*pyr(0)
199  pt(i)=sqrt(((1d0-x(i))*pmc(i))**2/(4d0*vint(302))-
200  & pms(i))*sin(theta(i))
202 C...Store info on variables selected, for documentation purposes.
203  vint(2+i)=-sqrt(q2(i))
204  vint(304+i)=x(i)
205  vint(306+i)=q2(i)
206  vint(308+i)=y(i)
207  vint(310+i)=theta(i)
208  vint(312+i)=phi(i)
209  ELSE
210  vint(304+i)=1d0
211  vint(306+i)=0d0
212  vint(308+i)=1d0
213  vint(310+i)=0d0
214  vint(312+i)=0d0
215  ENDIF
216  130 CONTINUE
218 C...Cut on W combines info from two sides.
219  IF(mint(141) THEN
220  w2=-q2(1)-q2(2)+0.5d0*x(1)*pmc(1)*x(2)*pmc(2)/vint(302)-
221  & 2d0*pt(1)*pt(2)*cos(phi(1)-phi(2))+2d0*
222  & sqrt((0.5d0*x(1)*pmc(1)/vint(301))**2+q2(1)-pt(1)**2)*
223  & sqrt((0.5d0*x(2)*pmc(2)/vint(301))**2+q2(2)-pt(2)**2)
224  IF(w2.LT.w2min) goto 120
225  IF(ckin(78).GT.0d0.AND.w2.GT.ckin(78)**2) goto 120
226  pms1=-q2(1)
227  pms2=-q2(2)
228  ELSEIF(mint(141).NE.0) THEN
229  w2=(vint(302)+pms(1))*x(1)+pms(2)*(1d0-x(1))
230  pms1=-q2(1)
231  pms2=pms(2)
232  ELSEIF(mint(142).NE.0) THEN
233  w2=(vint(302)+pms(2))*x(2)+pms(1)*(1d0-x(2))
234  pms1=pms(1)
235  pms2=-q2(2)
236  ENDIF
238 C...Store kinematics info for photon(s) in subsystem cm frame.
239  vint(2)=w2
240  vint(1)=sqrt(w2)
241  vint(291)=0d0
242  vint(292)=0d0
243  vint(293)=0.5d0*sqrt((w2-pms1-pms2)**2-4d0*pms1*pms2)/vint(1)
244  vint(294)=0.5d0*(w2+pms1-pms2)/vint(1)
245  vint(295)=sign(sqrt(abs(pms1)),pms1)
246  vint(296)=0d0
247  vint(297)=0d0
248  vint(298)=-vint(293)
249  vint(299)=0.5d0*(w2+pms2-pms1)/vint(1)
250  vint(300)=sign(sqrt(abs(pms2)),pms2)
252 C...Assign weight for photon flux; different for transverse and
253 C...longitudinal photons. Flag incoming unresolved photon.
254  wtgaga=1d0
255  DO 140 i=1,2
256  IF(mint(140+i).NE.0) THEN
257  wtgaga=wtgaga*2d0*(paru(101)/paru(2))*
258  & log(xmax(i)/xmin(i))*log(q2max(i)/q2min(i))
259  IF(mstp(16).EQ.0) THEN
260  xy=x(i)
261  ELSE
262  wtgaga=wtgaga*x(i)/y(i)
263  xy=y(i)
264  ENDIF
265  IF(isub.EQ.132.OR.isub.EQ.134.OR.isub.EQ.136) THEN
266  IF((mint(11).EQ.22).and.
267  & (mint(12) THEN
268  wtgaga=wtgaga*(1d0/(1d0+(q2(i)/xy**2/ebeamenucl**2))*
269  & (1d0-xy-(q2(i)/4d0/ebeamenucl**2)))/
270  & q2(i)/xy**2/ebeamenucl*
271  & (ebeamenucl*xy-q2(i)/2d0/massp)*xy*q2(i)
272  ELSE
273  wtgaga=wtgaga*(1d0-xy)
274  ENDIF
275  ELSEIF(i.EQ.1.AND.(isub.EQ.139.OR.isub.EQ.140)) THEN
276  wtgaga=wtgaga*(1d0-xy)
277  ELSEIF(i.EQ.2.AND.(isub.EQ.138.OR.isub.EQ.140)) THEN
278  wtgaga=wtgaga*(1d0-xy)
279  ELSEIF((mint(11).EQ.22).and.
280  & (mint(12) THEN
281  wtgaga=wtgaga*(0.5d0*((ebeamenucl*xy-q2(i)/2d0/
282  & massp)/q2(i)/xy**2/ebeamenucl*
283  & (xy**2*(1d0-(2d0*masse**2/q2(i)))+
284  & (2d0/(1d0+(q2(i)/xy**2/ebeamenucl**2)))*
285  & (1d0-xy-(q2(i)/4d0/ebeamenucl**2))))*
286  & xy*q2(i))
287  ELSE
288  wtgaga=wtgaga*(0.5d0*(1d0+(1d0-xy)**2)-
289  & pms(i)*xy**2/q2(i))
290  ENDIF
291  IF(mint(106+i).EQ.0) mint(14+i)=22
292  ENDIF
293  140 CONTINUE
294  vint(319)=wtgaga
295  mint(143)=loop
297 C...Update pTmin and cross section information.
298  IF(mstp(82).LE.1) THEN
299  ptmn=parp(81)*(vint(1)/parp(89))**parp(90)
300  ELSE
301  ptmn=parp(82)*(vint(1)/parp(89))**parp(90)
302  ENDIF
303  vint(149)=4d0*ptmn**2/vint(2)
304  vint(154)=ptmn
305  CALL pyxtot
307 C...ECA...Routine modified for rad-corrections
308 C...Generate photons inside leptons and
309 C...calculate photon flux weight factors.
310  ELSEIF(igaga.EQ.5) THEN
311  write(*,*).EQ."In pygaga with IGAGA5"
312  isub=mint(1)
313  mint(15)=0
314  mint(16)=0
316 C...Generate phase space point and check against cuts.
317  loop=0
318  121 loop=loop+1
319  DO 131 i=1,2
320  IF(mint(140+i).NE.0) THEN
321 C...Pick x and Q2
322  mint(199)=0
323  geny=mcset_ymin*(mcset_ymax/mcset_ymin)**pyr(0)
324  genq2=mcset_q2min*(mcset_q2max/mcset_q2min)**pyr(0)
325  genx = genq2/geny/(4.*ebeam*pbeam)
326  genw2 = massp**2.+(genq2*(1./genx-1.))
327  gennu=geny*ebeamenucl
328  geneprim = ebeamenucl - gennu
329  write(*,*) geny, genq2, genx, gennu, genphi, ebeamenucl
330 C....Check to have sensible ranges for variables
331  minq2 = pms(1) * geny**2. / (1.- geny)
332  if ( then
333  goto 121
334  endif
335 C... check x and Q2 go toghether
336  if (*gennu*massp)) then
337  goto 121
338  endif
339 C temp = ((genQ2-minq2)/(2D0*ebeamEnucl*geneprim))-1D0
340  temp=(genq2/(2.*ebeamenucl*geneprim))-1.
341  if ((temp.le.1.00).and.( then
342  etheta = acos(temp)
343  genthe = sngl(etheta)
344  genphi=paru(2)*pyr(0)
345  phi(i)=genphi
346  ppt=tan(etheta)
347  ppx=ppt*cos(phi(i))
348  ppy=ppt*sin(phi(i))
349  else
350  goto 121
351  endif
353  if ((**2).or.
354  & (ckin(78)**2)) then
355  goto 121
356  endif
357  write(*,*) geny, genq2, genx, gennu, genphi, ebeamenucl
359  ntries=0
360  122 if (qedrad.eq.1) then
361  write(*,*) geny, genq2, genx, gennu, genphi, ebeamenucl
362  call radgen_event
363  endif
364  if (qedrad.eq.0) then
365  y(i)=geny
366  q2(i)=genq2
367  elseif ((mcradcor_ebrems.eq.mcradcor_ebrems).and.
368  & (mcradcor_thetabrems.eq.mcradcor_thetabrems)) then
369  y(i)=dble(mcradcor_nutrue)/dble(mcset_enebeam)
370  q2(i)=dble(mcradcor_q2true)
371  write(*,*) geny, genq2, genx, gennu, genphi, ebeamenucl
372  write(*,*) mcradcor_nutrue, mcset_enebeam, mcradcor_q2true
373  else
374  write(*,*)"I go to 122 again"
375  write(*,*) mcradcor_thetabrems,mcradcor_ebrems,
376  & mcevent_ievent
377  goto 122
378  endif
379 C write(*,*) 'geny, genq2, genx, genW2, genNu',
380 C & geny, genq2, genx, genW2, genNu
381  x(i)=((pmc(3)*y(i))-q2(i))/pmc(i)
382 C P.L. ...An event with W^2_T<4will be generated new by RADGEN at the
383 C ...same kinematic point, the number of tries needed by RADGEN is
384 C ...counted and saved in the variable rcweight!
385  IF ( then
386 C IF(mcradcor_cType.eq.'qela') then
387 C GOTO 122
389 C IF(mcradcor_cType.eq.'elas') then
390 C GOTO 122
392  IF(dble(mcradcor_w2true).LT.
393  & (ckin(77)**2-1.d-4*abs(ckin(77)**2))) THEN
394  mint(199)=mint(199)+1
395  goto 122
396  ENDIF
397  ENDIF
398  ntries=ntries+1
399  IF( goto 121
401 C ...... New try to implement weights directly into Pythia
402  sigobs=0.0d0
403  sigtrue=0.0d0
404  rccorr=1.0d0
405  if (qedrad.eq.1) then
406  call mkf2(genq2,genx,
407  + mcset_tara,mcset_tarz,py6f2,py6f1)
408  sigobs=pyth_xsec(geny,genx,genq2,py6f1, py6f2)
409  IF(mcradcor_ebrems.eq.0) THEN
410  IF ( then
411  rccorr=(tbor+tine)/sig1g/(dble(mint(199))+1.0d0)
412  ELSE
413  rccorr=0.d0
414  ENDIF
416  call mkf2(dble(mcradcor_q2true),dble(mcradcor_xtrue),
417  + mcset_tara,mcset_tarz,py6f2,py6f1)
418  sigtrue=pyth_xsec(dble( mcradcor_ytrue), dble(mcradcor_xtrue),
419  + dble(mcradcor_q2true), py6f1, py6f2)
420  IF (( then
421  rccorr=(tbor+tine)/sig1g*sigobs/sigtrue/
422  & (dble(mint(199))+1.0d0)
423  ELSE
424  rccorr=0.d0
425  ENDIF
426  ENDIF
427  ENDIF
428  IF(x(i).GT.(xmax(i)+1.d-4*abs(xmax(i)))) THEN
429  goto 121
430  ENDIF
431 C...Cuts on internal consistency in x and Q2.
432  IF(q2(i).LT.x(i)**2*pms(i)/(1d0-x(i))) then
433  goto 121
434  endif
435  IF(q2(i).GT.(1d0-x(i))*(vint(302)-2d0*pms(3-i))-
436  & (2d0-x(i)**2)*pms(i)/(1d0-x(i))) THEN
437  goto 121
438  ENDIF
439 C...Cuts on y and theta.
440  IF(y(i).LT.ckin(71+2*i).OR.y(i).GT.ckin(72+2*i)) THEN
441  goto 121
442  ENDIF
443  rat=((1d0-x(i))*q2(i)-x(i)**2*pms(i))/
444  & ((1d0-x(i))**2*(vint(302)-2d0*pms(3-i)-2d0*pms(i)))
445  theta(i)=2d0*asin(sqrt(max(0d0,min(1d0,rat))))
446  IF(theta(i).LT.ckin(67+2*i)) THEN
447  goto 121
448  ENDIF
449  IF(ckin(68+2*i).GT.0d0.AND.theta(i).GT.ckin(68+2*i))
450  & goto 121
452 C...Phi angle isotropic. Reconstruct pT.
453 C PT(I)=SQRT(((1D0-X(I))*PMC(I))**2/(4D0*VINT(302))-
454 C & PMS(I))*SIN(THETA(I))
455  temp=((1d0-x(i))*pmc(i))**2/(4d0*vint(302))-pms(i)
456  pt(i)=(sqrt(temp))*sin(theta(i))
457 C ... try 'new' phi
458  IF (( then
459  emom=sqrt(geneprim**2-masse**2)
460  phi(i)=atan2((emom*ppy+dplabg(2)),(emom*ppx+dplabg(1)))
461  IF (phi(i).lt.0) THEN
462  phi(i)=phi(i)+paru(2)
463  ENDIF
464  ENDIF
465 C...Store info on variables selected, for documentation purposes.
466  vint(2+i)=-sqrt(q2(i))
467  vint(304+i)=x(i)
468  vint(306+i)=q2(i)
469  vint(308+i)=y(i)
470  vint(310+i)=theta(i)
471  vint(312+i)=phi(i)
472  ELSE
473  vint(304+i)=1d0
474  vint(306+i)=0d0
475  vint(308+i)=1d0
476  vint(310+i)=0d0
477  vint(312+i)=0d0
478  ENDIF
479  131 CONTINUE
481 C...Cut on W combines info from two sides.
482  IF(mint(141) THEN
483  w2=-q2(1)-q2(2)+0.5d0*x(1)*pmc(1)*x(2)*pmc(2)/vint(302)-
484  & 2d0*pt(1)*pt(2)*cos(phi(1)-phi(2))+2d0*
485  & sqrt((0.5d0*x(1)*pmc(1)/vint(301))**2+q2(1)-pt(1)**2)*
486  & sqrt((0.5d0*x(2)*pmc(2)/vint(301))**2+q2(2)-pt(2)**2)
487  IF(w2.LT.w2min) THEN
488  goto 121
489  ENDIF
490  IF(ckin(78).GT.0d0.AND.w2.GT.ckin(78)**2) goto 121
491  pms1=-q2(1)
492  pms2=-q2(2)
493  ELSEIF(mint(141).NE.0) THEN
494  w2=(vint(302)+pms(1))*x(1)+pms(2)*(1d0-x(1))
495  pms1=-q2(1)
496  pms2=pms(2)
497  ELSEIF(mint(142).NE.0) THEN
498  w2=(vint(302)+pms(2))*x(2)+pms(1)*(1d0-x(2))
499  pms1=pms(1)
500  pms2=-q2(2)
501  ENDIF
503 C...Store kinematics info for photon(s) in subsystem cm frame.
504  vint(2)=w2
505  vint(1)=sqrt(w2)
506  vint(291)=0d0
507  vint(292)=0d0
508  vint(293)=0.5d0*sqrt((w2-pms1-pms2)**2-4d0*pms1*pms2)/vint(1)
509  vint(294)=0.5d0*(w2+pms1-pms2)/vint(1)
510  vint(295)=sign(sqrt(abs(pms1)),pms1)
511  vint(296)=0d0
512  vint(297)=0d0
513  vint(298)=-vint(293)
514  vint(299)=0.5d0*(w2+pms2-pms1)/vint(1)
515  vint(300)=sign(sqrt(abs(pms2)),pms2)
517 C...Assign weight for photon flux; different for transverse and
518 C...longitudinal photons. Flag incoming unresolved photon.
519  wtgaga=1d0
520  DO 141 i=1,2
521  IF(mint(140+i).NE.0) THEN
522  wtgaga=wtgaga*2d0*(paru(101)/paru(2))*
523  & (log(real(mcset_ymax))-log(real(mcset_ymin)))*
524  & (log(real(mcset_q2max))-log(real(mcset_q2min)))
525  xy=y(i)
526  IF(isub.EQ.132.OR.isub.EQ.134.OR.isub.EQ.136) THEN
527  IF((mint(11).EQ.22).and.
528  & (mint(12) THEN
529  xxy=xy*ebeamenucl/ebeamenucl
530  wtgaga=wtgaga*(1d0/(1d0+(q2(i)/xxy**2/ebeamenucl**2))*
531  & (1d0-xxy-(q2(i)/4d0/ebeamenucl**2)))/
532  & q2(i)/xxy**2/ebeamenucl*
533  & (ebeamenucl*xxy-q2(i)/2d0/massp)*xxy*q2(i)
534  ELSE
535  wtgaga=wtgaga*(1d0-xy)
536  ENDIF
537  ELSEIF(i.EQ.1.AND.(isub.EQ.139.OR.isub.EQ.140)) THEN
538  wtgaga=wtgaga*(1d0-xy)
539  ELSEIF(i.EQ.2.AND.(isub.EQ.138.OR.isub.EQ.140)) THEN
540  wtgaga=wtgaga*(1d0-xy)
541  ELSEIF((mint(11).EQ.22).and.
542  & (mint(12) THEN
543  xxy=xy*ebeamenucl/ebeamenucl
544  wtgaga=wtgaga*(0.5d0*((ebeamenucl*xxy-q2(i)/2d0/
545  & massp)/q2(i)/xxy**2/ebeamenucl*
546  & (xxy**2*(1d0-(2d0*masse**2/q2(i)))+
547  & (2d0/(1d0+(q2(i)/xxy**2/ebeamenucl**2)))*
548  & (1d0-xxy-(q2(i)/4d0/ebeamenucl**2))))*xxy*q2(i))
549  ELSE
550  wtgaga=wtgaga*(0.5d0*(1d0+(1d0-xy)**2)-
551  & pms(i)*xy**2/q2(i))
552  ENDIF
553  IF(mint(106+i).EQ.0) mint(14+i)=22
554  ENDIF
555  141 CONTINUE
556  wtgaga=wtgaga*rccorr
557  vint(319)=wtgaga
558  mint(143)=loop
559 C...Update pTmin and cross section information.
560  IF(mstp(82).LE.1) THEN
561  ptmn=parp(81)*(vint(1)/parp(89))**parp(90)
562  ELSE
563  ptmn=parp(82)*(vint(1)/parp(89))**parp(90)
564  ENDIF
565  vint(149)=4d0*ptmn**2/vint(2)
566  vint(154)=ptmn
567  CALL pyxtot
569 C...Reconstruct kinematics of photons inside leptons.
570  ELSEIF(igaga.EQ.4) THEN
572 C...Make place for incoming particles and scattered leptons.
573  move=3
574  IF(mint(141) move=4
575  mint(4)=mint(4)+move
576  DO 160 i=mint(84)-move,mint(83)+1,-1
577  IF(k(i,1).EQ.21) THEN
578  DO 150 j=1,5
579  k(i+move,j)=k(i,j)
580  p(i+move,j)=p(i,j)
581  v(i+move,j)=v(i,j)
582  150 CONTINUE
583  IF(k(i,3),3)
584  & k(i+move,3)=k(i,3)+move
585  IF(k(i,4),4)
586  & k(i+move,4)=k(i,4)+move
587  IF(k(i,5),5)
588  & k(i+move,5)=k(i,5)+move
589  ENDIF
590  160 CONTINUE
591  DO 170 i=mint(84)+1,n
592  IF(k(i,3),3)
593  & k(i,3)=k(i,3)+move
594  170 CONTINUE
596 C...Fill in incoming particles.
597  DO 190 i=mint(83)+1,mint(83)+move
598  DO 180 j=1,5
599  k(i,j)=0
600  p(i,j)=0d0
601  v(i,j)=0d0
602  180 CONTINUE
603  190 CONTINUE
604  DO 200 i=1,2
605  k(mint(83)+i,1)=21
606  IF(mint(140+i).NE.0) THEN
607  k(mint(83)+i,2)=mint(140+i)
608  p(mint(83)+i,5)=vint(302+i)
609  ELSE
610  k(mint(83)+i,2)=mint(10+i)
611  p(mint(83)+i,5)=vint(2+i)
612  ENDIF
613  p(mint(83)+i,3)=0.5d0*sqrt((pmc(3)**2-4d0*pms(1)*pms(2))/
614  & vint(302))*(-1d0)**(i+1)
615  p(mint(83)+i,4)=0.5d0*pmc(i)/vint(301)
616  200 CONTINUE
618 C...New mother-daughter relations in documentation section.
619  IF(mint(141) THEN
620  k(mint(83)+1,4)=mint(83)+3
621  k(mint(83)+1,5)=mint(83)+5
622  k(mint(83)+2,4)=mint(83)+4
623  k(mint(83)+2,5)=mint(83)+6
624  k(mint(83)+3,3)=mint(83)+1
625  k(mint(83)+5,3)=mint(83)+1
626  k(mint(83)+4,3)=mint(83)+2
627  k(mint(83)+6,3)=mint(83)+2
628  ELSEIF(mint(141).NE.0) THEN
629  k(mint(83)+1,4)=mint(83)+3
630  k(mint(83)+1,5)=mint(83)+4
631  k(mint(83)+2,4)=mint(83)+5
632  k(mint(83)+3,3)=mint(83)+1
633  k(mint(83)+4,3)=mint(83)+1
634  k(mint(83)+5,3)=mint(83)+2
635  ELSEIF(mint(142).NE.0) THEN
636  k(mint(83)+1,4)=mint(83)+4
637  k(mint(83)+2,4)=mint(83)+3
638  k(mint(83)+2,5)=mint(83)+5
639  k(mint(83)+3,3)=mint(83)+2
640  k(mint(83)+4,3)=mint(83)+1
641  k(mint(83)+5,3)=mint(83)+2
642  ENDIF
644 C...Fill scattered lepton(s).
645  DO 210 i=1,2
646  IF(mint(140+i).NE.0) THEN
647  lsc=mint(83)+min(i+2,move)
648  k(lsc,1)=21
649  k(lsc,2)=mint(140+i)
650  p(lsc,1)=pt(i)*cos(phi(i))
651  p(lsc,2)=pt(i)*sin(phi(i))
652  p(lsc,4)=(1d0-x(i))*p(mint(83)+i,4)
653  p(lsc,3)=sqrt(p(lsc,4)**2-pms(i))*cos(theta(i))*
654  & (-1d0)**(i-1)
655  p(lsc,5)=vint(302+i)
656  ENDIF
657  210 CONTINUE
659 C...Find incoming four-vectors to subprocess.
660  k(n+1,1)=21
661  IF(mint(141).NE.0) THEN
662  DO 220 j=1,4
663  p(n+1,j)=p(mint(83)+1,j)-p(mint(83)+3,j)
664  220 CONTINUE
665  ELSE
666  DO 230 j=1,4
667  p(n+1,j)=p(mint(83)+1,j)
668  230 CONTINUE
669  ENDIF
670  k(n+2,1)=21
671  IF(mint(142).NE.0) THEN
672  DO 240 j=1,4
673  p(n+2,j)=p(mint(83)+2,j)-p(mint(83)+move,j)
674  240 CONTINUE
675  ELSE
676  DO 250 j=1,4
677  p(n+2,j)=p(mint(83)+2,j)
678  250 CONTINUE
679  ENDIF
681 C...Define boost and rotation between hadronic subsystem and
682 C...collision rest frame; boost hadronic subsystem to this frame.
683  DO 260 j=1,3
684  beta(j)=(p(n+1,j)+p(n+2,j))/(p(n+1,4)+p(n+2,4))
685  260 CONTINUE
686  CALL pyrobo(n+1,n+2,0d0,0d0,-beta(1),-beta(2),-beta(3))
687  bphi=pyangl(p(n+1,1),p(n+1,2))
688  CALL pyrobo(n+1,n+2,0d0,-bphi,0d0,0d0,0d0)
689  btheta=pyangl(p(n+1,3),p(n+1,1))
690  CALL pyrobo(mint(83)+move+1,n,btheta,bphi,beta(1),beta(2),
691  & beta(3))
693 C...Add on scattered leptons to final state.
694  DO 280 i=1,2
695  IF(mint(140+i).NE.0) THEN
696  lsc=mint(83)+min(i+2,move)
697  n=n+1
698  DO 270 j=1,5
699  k(n,j)=k(lsc,j)
700  p(n,j)=p(lsc,j)
701  v(n,j)=v(lsc,j)
702  270 CONTINUE
703  k(n,1)=1
704  k(n,3)=lsc
705  ENDIF
706  280 CONTINUE
707  ENDIF
709  290 CONTINUE
711  END