Analysis Software
Documentation for sPHENIX simulation software
This is the complete list of members for OnlMonClient, including all inherited members.
__instance | OnlMonClient | privatestatic |
AddServerHost(const std::string &hostname) | OnlMonClient | |
cachedrun | OnlMonClient | private |
CacheRunDB(const int runno) | OnlMonClient | |
CanvasToPng(TCanvas *canvas, std::string const &filename) | OnlMonClient | |
clientrunning | OnlMonClient | private |
cosmicrun | OnlMonClient | private |
defaultStyle | OnlMonClient | private |
display_sizex | OnlMonClient | private |
display_sizey | OnlMonClient | private |
DoSomething(const std::string &who, const std::string &what, const std::string &opt) | OnlMonClient | private |
Draw(const char *who="ALL", const char *what="ALL") | OnlMonClient | |
DrawerList | OnlMonClient | private |
EventTime(const std::string &which) | OnlMonClient | |
EventTime(const std::string &servername, const std::string &which) | OnlMonClient | |
ExtractSubsystem(const std::string &filename) | OnlMonClient | |
fHtml | OnlMonClient | private |
FindAllMonitors() | OnlMonClient | |
FindMonitor(const std::string &name) | OnlMonClient | |
GetDisplaySizeX() | OnlMonClient | inline |
GetDisplaySizeY() | OnlMonClient | inline |
getDrawer(const std::string &name) | OnlMonClient | |
getHisto(const std::string &monitor, const std::string &hname) | OnlMonClient | |
Histo | OnlMonClient | private |
HistoToPng(TH1 *histo, std::string const &pngfilename, const char *drawopt="", const int statopt=11) | OnlMonClient | |
htmlAddMenu(const OnlMonDraw &drawer, const std::string &path, const std::string &relfilename) | OnlMonClient | |
htmlNamer(const OnlMonDraw &drawer, const std::string &basefilename, const std::string &ext, std::string &fullfilename, std::string &filename) | OnlMonClient | |
htmlRegisterPage(const OnlMonDraw &drawer, const std::string &path, const std::string &basefilename, const std::string &ext) | OnlMonClient | |
InitAll() | OnlMonClient | private |
instance() | OnlMonClient | static |
isCosmicRun() | OnlMonClient | |
IsMonitorRunning(const std::string &name) | OnlMonClient | |
isStandalone() | OnlMonClient | |
LocateHistogram(const std::string &hname, const std::string &subsys) | OnlMonClient | |
m_MonitorFetchedSet | OnlMonClient | private |
MakeHtml(const char *who="ALL", const char *what="ALL") | OnlMonClient | |
MakePS(const char *who="ALL", const char *what="ALL") | OnlMonClient | |
MonitorHostPorts | OnlMonClient | private |
MonitorHosts | OnlMonClient | private |
Name() const | OnlMonBase | inline |
Name(const std::string &name) | OnlMonBase | inline |
OnlMonBase(const std::string &name="NONE") | OnlMonBase | explicit |
OnlMonClient(const std::string &name="ONLMONCLIENT") | OnlMonClient | private |
Print(const char *what="ALL") | OnlMonClient | |
PutHistoInMap(const std::string &hname, const std::string &subsys, const std::string &hostname, const int port) | OnlMonClient | |
ReadHistogramsFromFile(const std::string &filename) | OnlMonClient | |
registerDrawer(OnlMonDraw *Drawer) | OnlMonClient | |
registerHisto(const std::string &hname, const std::string &subsys) | OnlMonClient | |
requestHisto(const std::string &what="ALL", const std::string &hostname="localhost", const int moniport=OnlMonDefs::MONIPORT) | OnlMonClient | |
requestHistoByName(const std::string &subsystem, const std::string &what="ALL") | OnlMonClient | |
requestHistoBySubSystem(const std::string &subsystem, int getall=0) | OnlMonClient | |
requestHistoList(const std::string &subsys, const std::string &hostname, const int moniport, std::list< std::string > &histolist) | OnlMonClient | |
requestMonitorList(const std::string &hostname, const int moniport) | OnlMonClient | |
RunNumber() | OnlMonClient | |
RunType() | OnlMonClient | |
runtype | OnlMonClient | private |
SaveLogFile(const OnlMonDraw &drawer) | OnlMonClient | |
SavePlot(const std::string &who="ALL", const std::string &what="ALL") | OnlMonClient | |
SendCommand(const char *hostname, const int port, const char *cmd) | OnlMonClient | |
SetDisplaySizeX(int xsize) | OnlMonClient | inline |
SetDisplaySizeY(int ysize) | OnlMonClient | inline |
SetStyleToDefault() | OnlMonClient | |
standalone | OnlMonClient | private |
SubsysHisto | OnlMonClient | private |
ThisName | OnlMonBase | protected |
updateHistoMap(const std::string &subsys, const std::string &hname, TH1 *h1d) | OnlMonClient | |
UpdateServerHistoMap(const std::string &hname, const std::string &subsys, const std::string &hostname) | OnlMonClient | |
Verbosity(const int i) override | OnlMonClient | virtual |
OnlMonBase::Verbosity() const | OnlMonBase | inlinevirtual |
verbosity | OnlMonBase | protected |
~OnlMonBase() | OnlMonBase | inlinevirtual |
~OnlMonClient() override | OnlMonClient |