Analysis Software
Documentation for sPHENIX simulation software
This is the complete list of members for TSQLPreparedStatement, including all inherited members.
AddBatch(const TString &sql)=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
Cancel()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
ClearBatch()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
ClearParameters()=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
ClearWarnings() | TSQL | |
Close()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
Execute(const char *, const char *, int *) | TSQLStatement | inlinevirtual |
Execute(TMethod *, TObjArray *, int *) | TSQLStatement | inlinevirtual |
Execute(const TString &sql="")=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
ExecuteBatch()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
ExecuteQuery(const TString &sql="")=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
ExecuteUpdate(const TString &sql="")=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
fBatches | TSQLStatement | protected |
fConnection | TSQLStatement | protected |
fCurrentResult | TSQLStatement | protected |
fImp | TSQL | protected |
fWarnings | TSQL | protected |
GetConnection() const | TSQLStatement | inline |
GetEscapeProcessing()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
GetFetchDirection()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
GetFetchSize()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
GetMaxFieldSize()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
GetMaxRows()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
GetMoreResults()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
GetQueryTimeout()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
GetResultSet()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
GetResultSetConcurrency()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
GetResultSetType()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
GetUpdateCount()=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
GetWarnings() const | TSQL | inline |
IsValid() const | TSQL | inlinevirtual |
SetAsciiStream(Int_t parameterIndex, TBuffer *x, Int_t length)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetBinaryStream(Int_t parameterIndex, TBuffer *x, Int_t length)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetBoolean(Int_t parameterIndex, Bool_t x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetByte(Int_t parameterIndex, Char_t x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetBytes(Int_t parameterIndex, const TArrayC &x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetCursorName(const TString &name)=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
SetDate(Int_t parameterIndex, const TSQLDate &x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetDouble(Int_t parameterIndex, Double_t x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetEscapeProcessing(Bool_t enable=kTRUE)=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
SetFetchDirection(Int_t direction)=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
SetFetchSize(Int_t rows)=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
SetFloat(Int_t parameterIndex, Float_t x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetHandler(const TString &handler) | TSQL | static |
SetInt(Int_t parameterIndex, Int_t x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetLong(Int_t parameterIndex, Long_t x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetMaxFieldSize(Int_t max)=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
SetMaxRows(Int_t max)=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
SetNull(Int_t parameterIndex, Int_t sqlType)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetObject(Int_t parameterIndex, TObject *x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetQueryTimeout(Int_t seconds)=0 | TSQLStatement | pure virtual |
SetShort(Int_t parameterIndex, Short_t x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetString(Int_t parameterIndex, const TString &x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetTime(Int_t parameterIndex, const TSQLTime &x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
SetTimestamp(Int_t parameterIndex, const TSQLTimestamp &x)=0 | TSQLPreparedStatement | pure virtual |
Throw(TSQLException *e) | TSQL | virtual |
TSQL(void *imp=0) | TSQL | |
TSQLPreparedStatement(TSQLConnection *con, void *imp=0) | TSQLPreparedStatement | inlineprotected |
TSQLStatement(TSQLConnection *con, void *imp=0) | TSQLStatement | protected |
UnsetHandler(const TString &handler="") | TSQL | static |
~TSQL() | TSQL | virtual |
~TSQLPreparedStatement() | TSQLPreparedStatement | inlinevirtual |
~TSQLStatement() | TSQLStatement | virtual |