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ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter Class Referencefinal

#include <acts/blob/sPHENIX/Examples/Io/Root/include/ActsExamples/Io/Root/RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter:
+ Collaboration diagram for ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter:


struct  Config

Public Types

using HitParticlesMap = IndexMultimap< ActsFatras::Barcode >

Public Member Functions

 RootTrajectorySummaryWriter (const Config &config, Acts::Logging::Level level)
 ~RootTrajectorySummaryWriter () override
ProcessCode finalize () override
 End-of-run hook.
const Configconfig () const
 Get readonly access to the config parameters.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ActsExamples::WriterT< TrajectoriesContainer >
 WriterT (std::string objectName, std::string writerName, Acts::Logging::Level level)
std::string name () const override
 Provide the name of the writer.
ProcessCode write (const AlgorithmContext &context) override
 Read the object and call the type-specific member function.
ProcessCode finalize () override
 No-op default implementation.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ActsExamples::IWriter
ProcessCode internalExecute (const AlgorithmContext &context) final
ProcessCode initialize () override
 Fulfil the algorithm interface.
- Public Member Functions inherited from ActsExamples::SequenceElement
virtual ~SequenceElement ()=default
const std::vector< const
DataHandleBase * > & 
writeHandles () const
const std::vector< const
DataHandleBase * > & 
readHandles () const

Protected Member Functions

ProcessCode writeT (const AlgorithmContext &ctx, const TrajectoriesContainer &trajectories) override
 Write method called by the base class.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ActsExamples::WriterT< TrajectoriesContainer >
const Acts::Loggerlogger () const

Private Attributes

Config m_cfg
 The config class.
< SimParticleContainer
m_inputParticles {this, "InputParticles"}
ReadDataHandle< HitParticlesMapm_inputMeasurementParticlesMap
std::mutex m_writeMutex
 Mutex used to protect multi-threaded writes.
TFile * m_outputFile {nullptr}
 The output file.
TTree * m_outputTree {nullptr}
 The output tree.
uint32_t m_eventNr {0}
 The event number.
std::vector< uint32_t > m_multiTrajNr
 The multi-trajectory numbers in event.
std::vector< unsigned int > m_subTrajNr
 The multi-trajectory sub-trajectory number in event.
std::vector< unsigned int > m_nStates
 The number of states.
std::vector< unsigned int > m_nMeasurements
 The number of measurements.
std::vector< unsigned int > m_nOutliers
 The number of outliers.
std::vector< unsigned int > m_nHoles
 The number of holes.
std::vector< unsigned int > m_nSharedHits
 The number of shared hits.
std::vector< float > m_chi2Sum
 The total chi2.
std::vector< unsigned int > m_NDF
 The number of ndf of the measurements+outliers.
std::vector< std::vector
< double > > 
 The chi2 on all measurement states.
std::vector< std::vector
< double > > 
 The chi2 on all outlier states.
std::vector< std::vector
< double > > 
 The volume id of the measurements.
std::vector< std::vector
< double > > 
 The layer id of the measurements.
std::vector< std::vector
< double > > 
 The volume id of the outliers.
std::vector< std::vector
< double > > 
 The layer id of the outliers.
std::vector< unsigned int > m_nMajorityHits
 The number of hits from majority particle.
std::vector< uint64_t > m_majorityParticleId
 The particle Id of the majority particle.
std::vector< int > m_t_charge
 Charge of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_time
 Time of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_vx
 Vertex x positions of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_vy
 Vertex y positions of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_vz
 Vertex z positions of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_px
 Initial momenta px of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_py
 Initial momenta py of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_pz
 Initial momenta pz of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_theta
 Initial momenta theta of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_phi
 Initial momenta phi of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_p
 Initial abs momenta of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_pT
 Initial momenta pT of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_eta
 Initial momenta eta of majority particle.
std::vector< float > m_t_d0
 The extrapolated truth transverse impact parameter.
std::vector< float > m_t_z0
 The extrapolated truth longitudinal impact parameter.
std::vector< bool > m_hasFittedParams
 If the track has fitted parameter.
std::vector< float > m_eLOC0_fit
 Fitted parameters eBoundLoc0 of track.
std::vector< float > m_eLOC1_fit
 Fitted parameters eBoundLoc1 of track.
std::vector< float > m_ePHI_fit
 Fitted parameters ePHI of track.
std::vector< float > m_eTHETA_fit
 Fitted parameters eTHETA of track.
std::vector< float > m_eQOP_fit
 Fitted parameters eQOP of track.
std::vector< float > m_eT_fit
 Fitted parameters eT of track.
std::vector< float > m_err_eLOC0_fit
 Fitted parameters eLOC err of track.
std::vector< float > m_err_eLOC1_fit
 Fitted parameters eBoundLoc1 err of track.
std::vector< float > m_err_ePHI_fit
 Fitted parameters ePHI err of track.
std::vector< float > m_err_eTHETA_fit
 Fitted parameters eTHETA err of track.
std::vector< float > m_err_eQOP_fit
 Fitted parameters eQOP err of track.
std::vector< float > m_err_eT_fit
 Fitted parameters eT err of track.
std::vector< float > m_res_eLOC0_fit
 Fitted parameters eLOC res of track.
std::vector< float > m_res_eLOC1_fit
 Fitted parameters eBoundLoc1 res of track.
std::vector< float > m_res_ePHI_fit
 Fitted parameters ePHI res of track.
std::vector< float > m_res_eTHETA_fit
 Fitted parameters eTHETA res of track.
std::vector< float > m_res_eQOP_fit
 Fitted parameters eQOP res of track.
std::vector< float > m_res_eT_fit
 Fitted parameters eT res of track.
std::vector< float > m_pull_eLOC0_fit
 Fitted parameters eLOC pull of track.
std::vector< float > m_pull_eLOC1_fit
 Fitted parameters eBoundLoc1 pull of track.
std::vector< float > m_pull_ePHI_fit
 Fitted parameters ePHI pull of track.
std::vector< float > m_pull_eTHETA_fit
 Fitted parameters eTHETA pull of track.
std::vector< float > m_pull_eQOP_fit
 Fitted parameters eQOP pull of track.
std::vector< float > m_pull_eT_fit
 Fitted parameters eT pull of track.
std::vector< float > m_cov_eLOC0_eLOC0
std::vector< float > m_cov_eLOC0_eLOC1
std::vector< float > m_cov_eLOC0_ePHI
std::vector< float > m_cov_eLOC0_eTHETA
std::vector< float > m_cov_eLOC0_eQOP
std::vector< float > m_cov_eLOC0_eT
std::vector< float > m_cov_eLOC1_eLOC0
std::vector< float > m_cov_eLOC1_eLOC1
std::vector< float > m_cov_eLOC1_ePHI
std::vector< float > m_cov_eLOC1_eTHETA
std::vector< float > m_cov_eLOC1_eQOP
std::vector< float > m_cov_eLOC1_eT
std::vector< float > m_cov_ePHI_eLOC0
std::vector< float > m_cov_ePHI_eLOC1
std::vector< float > m_cov_ePHI_ePHI
std::vector< float > m_cov_ePHI_eTHETA
std::vector< float > m_cov_ePHI_eQOP
std::vector< float > m_cov_ePHI_eT
std::vector< float > m_cov_eTHETA_eLOC0
std::vector< float > m_cov_eTHETA_eLOC1
std::vector< float > m_cov_eTHETA_ePHI
std::vector< float > m_cov_eTHETA_eTHETA
std::vector< float > m_cov_eTHETA_eQOP
std::vector< float > m_cov_eTHETA_eT
std::vector< float > m_cov_eQOP_eLOC0
std::vector< float > m_cov_eQOP_eLOC1
std::vector< float > m_cov_eQOP_ePHI
std::vector< float > m_cov_eQOP_eTHETA
std::vector< float > m_cov_eQOP_eQOP
std::vector< float > m_cov_eQOP_eT
std::vector< float > m_cov_eT_eLOC0
std::vector< float > m_cov_eT_eLOC1
std::vector< float > m_cov_eT_ePHI
std::vector< float > m_cov_eT_eTHETA
std::vector< float > m_cov_eT_eQOP
std::vector< float > m_cov_eT_eT

Detailed Description

Write out the information (including number of measurements, outliers, holes etc. , fitted track parameters and corresponding majority truth particle info) of the reconstructed trajectories into a TTree

Safe to use from multiple writer threads - uses a std::mutex lock.

Each entry in the TTree corresponds to all reconstructed trajectories in one single event. The event number is part of the written data.

A common file can be provided for the writer to attach his TTree, this is done by setting the Config::rootFile pointer to an existing file

Safe to use from multiple writer threads - uses a std::mutex lock.

Definition at line 52 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 52 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Member Typedef Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter ( const Config config,
Acts::Logging::Level  level 


configConfiguration struct
levelMessage level declaration

Definition at line 45 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.cpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 45 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.cpp

References ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::Config::fileMode, ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::Config::filePath, ActsExamples::ReadDataHandle< T >::initialize(), ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::Config::inputMeasurementParticlesMap, ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::Config::inputParticles, m_cfg, m_chi2Sum, m_cov_eLOC0_eLOC0, m_cov_eLOC0_eLOC1, m_cov_eLOC0_ePHI, m_cov_eLOC0_eQOP, m_cov_eLOC0_eT, m_cov_eLOC0_eTHETA, m_cov_eLOC1_eLOC0, m_cov_eLOC1_eLOC1, m_cov_eLOC1_ePHI, m_cov_eLOC1_eQOP, m_cov_eLOC1_eT, m_cov_eLOC1_eTHETA, m_cov_ePHI_eLOC0, m_cov_ePHI_eLOC1, m_cov_ePHI_ePHI, m_cov_ePHI_eQOP, m_cov_ePHI_eT, m_cov_ePHI_eTHETA, m_cov_eQOP_eLOC0, m_cov_eQOP_eLOC1, m_cov_eQOP_ePHI, m_cov_eQOP_eQOP, m_cov_eQOP_eT, m_cov_eQOP_eTHETA, m_cov_eT_eLOC0, m_cov_eT_eLOC1, m_cov_eT_ePHI, m_cov_eT_eQOP, m_cov_eT_eT, m_cov_eT_eTHETA, m_cov_eTHETA_eLOC0, m_cov_eTHETA_eLOC1, m_cov_eTHETA_ePHI, m_cov_eTHETA_eQOP, m_cov_eTHETA_eT, m_cov_eTHETA_eTHETA, m_eLOC0_fit, m_eLOC1_fit, m_ePHI_fit, m_eQOP_fit, m_err_eLOC0_fit, m_err_eLOC1_fit, m_err_ePHI_fit, m_err_eQOP_fit, m_err_eT_fit, m_err_eTHETA_fit, m_eT_fit, m_eTHETA_fit, m_eventNr, m_hasFittedParams, m_inputMeasurementParticlesMap, m_inputParticles, m_majorityParticleId, m_measurementChi2, m_measurementLayer, m_measurementVolume, m_multiTrajNr, m_NDF, m_nHoles, m_nMajorityHits, m_nMeasurements, m_nOutliers, m_nSharedHits, m_nStates, m_outlierChi2, m_outlierLayer, m_outlierVolume, m_outputFile, m_outputTree, m_pull_eLOC0_fit, m_pull_eLOC1_fit, m_pull_ePHI_fit, m_pull_eQOP_fit, m_pull_eT_fit, m_pull_eTHETA_fit, m_res_eLOC0_fit, m_res_eLOC1_fit, m_res_ePHI_fit, m_res_eQOP_fit, m_res_eT_fit, m_res_eTHETA_fit, m_subTrajNr, m_t_charge, m_t_d0, m_t_eta, m_t_p, m_t_phi, m_t_pT, m_t_px, m_t_py, m_t_pz, m_t_theta, m_t_time, m_t_vx, m_t_vy, m_t_vz, m_t_z0, path, ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::Config::treeName, and ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::Config::writeCovMat.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::~RootTrajectorySummaryWriter ( )

Definition at line 188 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.cpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 188 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.cpp

Member Function Documentation

const Config& ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::config ( ) const

Get readonly access to the config parameters.

Definition at line 85 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 85 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

References m_cfg.

ActsExamples::ProcessCode ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::finalize ( )

End-of-run hook.

Implements ActsExamples::SequenceElement.

Definition at line 193 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.cpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 193 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.cpp

References ACTS_INFO, m_cfg(), and SUCCESS.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

ActsExamples::ProcessCode ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::writeT ( const AlgorithmContext ctx,
const TrajectoriesContainer trajectories 

Member Data Documentation

Config ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cfg

The config class.

Definition at line 95 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 95 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by config(), and RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_chi2Sum

The total chi2.

Definition at line 115 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 115 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eLOC0_eLOC0

Definition at line 193 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 193 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eLOC0_eLOC1

Definition at line 194 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 194 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eLOC0_ePHI

Definition at line 195 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 195 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eLOC0_eQOP

Definition at line 197 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 197 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eLOC0_eT

Definition at line 198 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 198 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eLOC0_eTHETA

Definition at line 196 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 196 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eLOC1_eLOC0

Definition at line 200 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 200 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eLOC1_eLOC1

Definition at line 201 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 201 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eLOC1_ePHI

Definition at line 202 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 202 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eLOC1_eQOP

Definition at line 204 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 204 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eLOC1_eT

Definition at line 205 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 205 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eLOC1_eTHETA

Definition at line 203 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 203 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_ePHI_eLOC0

Definition at line 207 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 207 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_ePHI_eLOC1

Definition at line 208 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 208 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_ePHI_ePHI

Definition at line 209 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 209 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_ePHI_eQOP

Definition at line 211 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 211 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_ePHI_eT

Definition at line 212 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 212 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_ePHI_eTHETA

Definition at line 210 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 210 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eQOP_eLOC0

Definition at line 221 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 221 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eQOP_eLOC1

Definition at line 222 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 222 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eQOP_ePHI

Definition at line 223 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 223 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eQOP_eQOP

Definition at line 225 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 225 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eQOP_eT

Definition at line 226 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 226 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eQOP_eTHETA

Definition at line 224 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 224 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eT_eLOC0

Definition at line 228 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 228 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eT_eLOC1

Definition at line 229 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 229 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eT_ePHI

Definition at line 230 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 230 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eT_eQOP

Definition at line 232 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 232 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eT_eT

Definition at line 233 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 233 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eT_eTHETA

Definition at line 231 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 231 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eTHETA_eLOC0

Definition at line 214 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 214 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eTHETA_eLOC1

Definition at line 215 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 215 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eTHETA_ePHI

Definition at line 216 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 216 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eTHETA_eQOP

Definition at line 218 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 218 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eTHETA_eT

Definition at line 219 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 219 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_cov_eTHETA_eTHETA

Definition at line 217 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 217 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_eLOC0_fit

Fitted parameters eBoundLoc0 of track.

Definition at line 156 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 156 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_eLOC1_fit

Fitted parameters eBoundLoc1 of track.

Definition at line 157 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 157 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_ePHI_fit

Fitted parameters ePHI of track.

Definition at line 158 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 158 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_eQOP_fit

Fitted parameters eQOP of track.

Definition at line 160 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 160 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_err_eLOC0_fit

Fitted parameters eLOC err of track.

Definition at line 163 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 163 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_err_eLOC1_fit

Fitted parameters eBoundLoc1 err of track.

Definition at line 165 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 165 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_err_ePHI_fit

Fitted parameters ePHI err of track.

Definition at line 166 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 166 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_err_eQOP_fit

Fitted parameters eQOP err of track.

Definition at line 169 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 169 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_err_eT_fit

Fitted parameters eT err of track.

Definition at line 170 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 170 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_err_eTHETA_fit

Fitted parameters eTHETA err of track.

Definition at line 168 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 168 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_eT_fit

Fitted parameters eT of track.

Definition at line 161 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 161 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_eTHETA_fit

Fitted parameters eTHETA of track.

Definition at line 159 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 159 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

uint32_t ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_eventNr {0}

The event number.

Definition at line 104 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 104 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<bool> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_hasFittedParams

If the track has fitted parameter.

Definition at line 154 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 154 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

ReadDataHandle<HitParticlesMap> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_inputMeasurementParticlesMap
Initial value:
this, "InputMeasurementParticlesMaps"}

Definition at line 98 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 98 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

ReadDataHandle<SimParticleContainer> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_inputParticles {this, "InputParticles"}

Definition at line 97 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 97 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<uint64_t> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_majorityParticleId

The particle Id of the majority particle.

Definition at line 135 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 135 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<std::vector<double> > ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_measurementChi2

The chi2 on all measurement states.

Definition at line 119 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 119 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<std::vector<double> > ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_measurementLayer

The layer id of the measurements.

Definition at line 125 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 125 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<std::vector<double> > ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_measurementVolume

The volume id of the measurements.

Definition at line 123 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 123 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<uint32_t> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_multiTrajNr

The multi-trajectory numbers in event.

Definition at line 106 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 106 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<unsigned int> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_NDF

The number of ndf of the measurements+outliers.

Definition at line 117 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 117 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<unsigned int> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_nHoles

The number of holes.

Definition at line 113 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 113 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<unsigned int> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_nMajorityHits

The number of hits from majority particle.

Definition at line 133 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 133 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<unsigned int> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_nMeasurements

The number of measurements.

Definition at line 111 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 111 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<unsigned int> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_nOutliers

The number of outliers.

Definition at line 112 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 112 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<unsigned int> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_nSharedHits

The number of shared hits.

Definition at line 114 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 114 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<unsigned int> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_nStates

The number of states.

Definition at line 110 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 110 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<std::vector<double> > ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_outlierChi2

The chi2 on all outlier states.

Definition at line 121 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 121 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<std::vector<double> > ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_outlierLayer

The layer id of the outliers.

Definition at line 129 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 129 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<std::vector<double> > ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_outlierVolume

The volume id of the outliers.

Definition at line 127 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 127 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

TFile* ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_outputFile {nullptr}

The output file.

Definition at line 102 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 102 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

TTree* ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_outputTree {nullptr}

The output tree.

Definition at line 103 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 103 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_pull_eLOC0_fit

Fitted parameters eLOC pull of track.

Definition at line 182 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 182 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_pull_eLOC1_fit

Fitted parameters eBoundLoc1 pull of track.

Definition at line 184 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 184 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_pull_ePHI_fit

Fitted parameters ePHI pull of track.

Definition at line 185 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 185 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_pull_eQOP_fit

Fitted parameters eQOP pull of track.

Definition at line 188 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 188 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_pull_eT_fit

Fitted parameters eT pull of track.

Definition at line 189 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 189 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_pull_eTHETA_fit

Fitted parameters eTHETA pull of track.

Definition at line 187 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 187 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_res_eLOC0_fit

Fitted parameters eLOC res of track.

Definition at line 172 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 172 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_res_eLOC1_fit

Fitted parameters eBoundLoc1 res of track.

Definition at line 174 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 174 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_res_ePHI_fit

Fitted parameters ePHI res of track.

Definition at line 175 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 175 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_res_eQOP_fit

Fitted parameters eQOP res of track.

Definition at line 178 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 178 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_res_eT_fit

Fitted parameters eT res of track.

Definition at line 179 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 179 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_res_eTHETA_fit

Fitted parameters eTHETA res of track.

Definition at line 177 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 177 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<unsigned int> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_subTrajNr

The multi-trajectory sub-trajectory number in event.

Definition at line 108 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 108 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<int> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_charge

Charge of majority particle.

Definition at line 136 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 136 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_d0

The extrapolated truth transverse impact parameter.

Definition at line 150 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 150 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_eta

Initial momenta eta of majority particle.

Definition at line 148 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 148 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_p

Initial abs momenta of majority particle.

Definition at line 146 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 146 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_phi

Initial momenta phi of majority particle.

Definition at line 145 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 145 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_pT

Initial momenta pT of majority particle.

Definition at line 147 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 147 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_px

Initial momenta px of majority particle.

Definition at line 141 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 141 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_py

Initial momenta py of majority particle.

Definition at line 142 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 142 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_pz

Initial momenta pz of majority particle.

Definition at line 143 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 143 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_theta

Initial momenta theta of majority particle.

Definition at line 144 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 144 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_time

Time of majority particle.

Definition at line 137 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 137 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_vx

Vertex x positions of majority particle.

Definition at line 138 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 138 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_vy

Vertex y positions of majority particle.

Definition at line 139 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 139 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_vz

Vertex z positions of majority particle.

Definition at line 140 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 140 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::vector<float> ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_t_z0

The extrapolated truth longitudinal impact parameter.

Definition at line 152 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 152 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

Referenced by RootTrajectorySummaryWriter().

std::mutex ActsExamples::RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::m_writeMutex

Mutex used to protect multi-threaded writes.

Definition at line 101 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp.

View newest version in sPHENIX GitHub at line 101 of file RootTrajectorySummaryWriter.hpp

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: