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genfit::GblFitter Class Reference

Generic GBL implementation. More...

#include <GenFit/blob/master/GBL/include/GblFitter.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for genfit::GblFitter:
+ Collaboration diagram for genfit::GblFitter:

Public Member Functions

 GblFitter ()
virtual ~GblFitter ()
void setOptions (const std::string &internalIterations="", bool enableScatterers=true, bool enableIntermediateScatterer=true, unsigned int externalIterations=1, unsigned int recalcJacobians=1)
 Set options of the fitter/GBL.
void setMSOptions (bool enableScatterers=true, bool enableIntermediateScatterer=true)
 Set multiple scattering options of the fitter/GBL.
void getScattererFromMatList (double &length, double &theta, double &s, double &ds, const double p, const double mass, const double charge, const std::vector< genfit::MatStep > &steps) const
 Evaluates moments of radiation length distribution from list of material steps and computes parameters describing a corresponding thick scatterer.
void processTrackWithRep (Track *trk, const AbsTrackRep *rep, bool resortHits=false) override
double constructGblInfo (Track *trk, const AbsTrackRep *rep)
 Propagate seed, populate track with scatterers and GblFitterInfos with reference state set.
void updateGblInfo (gbl::GblTrajectory &traj, genfit::Track *trk, const genfit::AbsTrackRep *rep)
 Populate all fitter infos in track for rep with results of trajectory fit.
std::vector< gbl::GblPointcollectGblPoints (genfit::Track *trk, const genfit::AbsTrackRep *rep)
 Constructs all GBL points and returns them in vector for trajectory construction.
void cleanGblInfo (Track *trk, const AbsTrackRep *rep) const
 Remove all previous gbl fitter data from track Also removes trackpoints without measurement.
void sortHits (Track *trk, const AbsTrackRep *rep) const
 Sort hits in track by arc-len using extrapolation.
void setTrackSegmentController (GblTrackSegmentController *controler)
- Public Member Functions inherited from genfit::AbsFitter
 AbsFitter ()
virtual ~AbsFitter ()
void processTrack (Track *, bool resortHits=false)
virtual void setDebugLvl (unsigned int lvl=1)

Private Member Functions

 GblFitter (const GblFitter &)
GblFitteroperator= (GblFitter const &)

Private Attributes

std::string m_gblInternalIterations
bool m_enableScatterers
bool m_enableIntermediateScatterer
unsigned int m_externalIterations
unsigned int m_recalcJacobians
double scatEpsilon

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from genfit::AbsFitter
unsigned int debugLvl_

Detailed Description

Generic GBL implementation.

The interface class to GBL track fit

Definition at line 53 of file GblFitter.h.

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Constructor & Destructor Documentation

genfit::GblFitter::GblFitter ( const GblFitter )
genfit::GblFitter::GblFitter ( )

Default (and only) constructor

Definition at line 74 of file GblFitter.h.

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GblFitter::~GblFitter ( )


Definition at line 90 of file

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Member Function Documentation

void GblFitter::cleanGblInfo ( Track trk,
const AbsTrackRep rep 
) const

Remove all previous gbl fitter data from track Also removes trackpoints without measurement.

trkThe track
repRepresentation for which to clean data

Definition at line 233 of file

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References genfit::TrackPoint::deleteFitterInfo(), genfit::Track::deletePoint(), genfit::Track::getNumPoints(), genfit::Track::getPoint(), genfit::TrackPoint::hasRawMeasurements(), and genfit::TrackPoint::setScatterer().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

std::vector< gbl::GblPoint > GblFitter::collectGblPoints ( genfit::Track trk,
const genfit::AbsTrackRep rep 

Constructs all GBL points and returns them in vector for trajectory construction.

const std::vector< gbl::GblPoint, std::allocator >&

Definition at line 274 of file

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References genfit::GblFitterInfo::constructGblPoint(), genfit::TrackPoint::getFitterInfo(), genfit::Track::getNumPoints(), and genfit::Track::getPoint().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

double GblFitter::constructGblInfo ( Track trk,
const AbsTrackRep rep 

Propagate seed, populate track with scatterers and GblFitterInfos with reference state set.

trkTrack to attach with infos at given rep
repTrackRep to which fitter info shall be attached
Length of track from extrapolations

Definition at line 376 of file

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References genfit::AbsMeasurement::constructPlane(), Acts::Test::dim, genfit::AbsTrackRep::extrapolateBy(), genfit::StateOnPlane::extrapolateToPlane(), genfit::AbsTrackRep::extrapolateToPlane(), genfit::AbsTrackRep::getCharge(), genfit::AbsTrackRep::getDim(), genfit::AbsTrackRep::getDir(), genfit::AbsTrackRep::getForwardJacobianAndNoise(), genfit::AbsTrackRep::getMass(), genfit::AbsTrackRep::getMomMag(), genfit::Track::getNumPoints(), genfit::Track::getNumPointsWithMeasurement(), genfit::StateOnPlane::getPlane(), genfit::Track::getPoint(), genfit::Track::getPointWithMeasurement(), genfit::StateOnPlane::getPos(), genfit::TrackPoint::getRawMeasurement(), getScattererFromMatList(), genfit::TrackPoint::getSortingParameter(), genfit::Track::getStateSeed(), genfit::AbsTrackRep::getSteps(), genfit::Track::getTimeSeed(), genfit::Track::insertPoint(), Acts::PrimitivesView3DTest::plane, scatEpsilon, genfit::TrackPoint::setFitterInfo(), genfit::GblFitterInfo::setJacobian(), genfit::AbsTrackRep::setPosMom(), genfit::TrackPoint::setScatterer(), genfit::TrackPoint::setSortingParameter(), and genfit::AbsTrackRep::setTime().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void GblFitter::getScattererFromMatList ( double length,
double theta,
double s,
double ds,
const double  p,
const double  mass,
const double  charge,
const std::vector< genfit::MatStep > &  steps 
) const

Evaluates moments of radiation length distribution from list of material steps and computes parameters describing a corresponding thick scatterer.

Based on input from Claus Kleinwort (DESY), adapted for continuous material distribution represented by a sum of step functions. Returned thick scatterer can be represented by two GBL scattering points. Calculates variance of theta from total sum of radiation lengths instead of summimg squares of individual deflection angle variances.

lengthreturned: Length of the track
thetareturned: Variation of distribution of deflection angle
sreturned: First moment of material scattering distribution
dsreturned: Second moment (variance) of material scattering distribution
pParticle momentum magnitude (GeV/c)
massMass of particle (GeV/c/c)
stepsVector of material steps from (RKTrackRep) extrapolation

Definition at line 315 of file

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References Acts::UnitConstants::e, i, genfit::MatStep::material_, N, genfit::Material::radiationLength, rho, physmon_simulation::s, step, genfit::MatStep::stepSize_, xmax, and xmin.

GblFitter& genfit::GblFitter::operator= ( GblFitter const &  )
void GblFitter::processTrackWithRep ( Track trk,
const AbsTrackRep rep,
bool  resortHits = false 
void genfit::GblFitter::setMSOptions ( bool  enableScatterers = true,
bool  enableIntermediateScatterer = true 

Set multiple scattering options of the fitter/GBL.

enableScatterersIf false, no scatterers will be added to GBL trajectory
enableIntermediateScattererTrue to simulate thick sctatterers by two thin scatterers 1st at detector plane and intermediate between each two planes

Definition at line 119 of file GblFitter.h.

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References m_enableIntermediateScatterer, and m_enableScatterers.

void genfit::GblFitter::setOptions ( const std::string &  internalIterations = "",
bool  enableScatterers = true,
bool  enableIntermediateScatterer = true,
unsigned int  externalIterations = 1,
unsigned int  recalcJacobians = 1 

Set options of the fitter/GBL.

internalIterationsGBL down-weighting in iterations. One letter (T,H,C) per iteration. Seems "HH" is resonable for outliers. Default "" is OK. Separate by comma for each external iteration (usually last), e.g., for 3 iterations: ",,HH" to down-weight at last one
enableScatterersIf false, no scatterers will be added to GBL trajectory
enableIntermediateScattererTrue to simulate thick sctatterers by two thin scatterers 1st at detector plane and intermediate between each two planes
externalIterationsSets number of times will be called in processTrackWithRep(...). Called external iterations. State is updated each time with GBL results. If =0, GblFitterInfos will filled by reference states and GblFitStatus in track able to construct simple GBL trajectory (for fit by GBL of output to Mille binary) / get list of points 1st at detector plane and intermediate between each two planes
recalcJacobiansNumber of iteration up to which Jacobians should be recalculated / planes/meas updated after the fit. 0 = do not recalculate Jacobians. 1 = recalculate after first GBL fit. 2 = after 1st and 2nd GBL fit etc.

Definition at line 100 of file GblFitter.h.

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References m_enableIntermediateScatterer, m_enableScatterers, m_externalIterations, m_gblInternalIterations, and m_recalcJacobians.

void GblFitter::setTrackSegmentController ( GblTrackSegmentController controler)

Definition at line 97 of file

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void GblFitter::sortHits ( Track trk,
const AbsTrackRep rep 
) const

Sort hits in track by arc-len using extrapolation.

trkThe track
repThe track representation

Definition at line 244 of file

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References genfit::AbsMeasurement::constructPlane(), genfit::StateOnPlane::extrapolateToPlane(), genfit::Track::getNumPointsWithMeasurement(), genfit::Track::getPointWithMeasurement(), genfit::TrackPoint::getRawMeasurement(), genfit::Track::getStateSeed(), genfit::Track::getTimeSeed(), Acts::PrimitivesView3DTest::plane, genfit::AbsTrackRep::setPosMom(), genfit::TrackPoint::setSortingParameter(), genfit::AbsTrackRep::setTime(), and genfit::Track::sort().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void GblFitter::updateGblInfo ( gbl::GblTrajectory traj,
genfit::Track trk,
const genfit::AbsTrackRep rep 

Populate all fitter infos in track for rep with results of trajectory fit.

Updates also seed state in track (from forward prediction at first point)

(The trajectory can only be cut before track end, cannot have missing points in between (if valid))

TODO ?? Re-construct all points in GblFitterInfos (updated) and collect them in fit status

trajThe fitted GblTrajectory
trkThe track with fitter infos from whose points traj was created
repThe representation to which this fit status belong

Definition at line 289 of file

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References genfit::TrackPoint::getFitterInfo(), genfit::Track::getNumPoints(), genfit::Track::getPoint(), gbl::GblTrajectory::isValid(), and genfit::GblFitterInfo::updateFitResults().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

bool genfit::GblFitter::m_enableIntermediateScatterer

Definition at line 61 of file GblFitter.h.

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Referenced by setMSOptions(), and setOptions().

bool genfit::GblFitter::m_enableScatterers

Definition at line 60 of file GblFitter.h.

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Referenced by setMSOptions(), and setOptions().

unsigned int genfit::GblFitter::m_externalIterations

Definition at line 62 of file GblFitter.h.

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Referenced by setOptions().

std::string genfit::GblFitter::m_gblInternalIterations

Definition at line 59 of file GblFitter.h.

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Referenced by setOptions().

unsigned int genfit::GblFitter::m_recalcJacobians

Definition at line 63 of file GblFitter.h.

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Referenced by setOptions().

GblTrackSegmentController* genfit::GblFitter::m_segmentController

Definition at line 67 of file GblFitter.h.

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double genfit::GblFitter::scatEpsilon

Definition at line 66 of file GblFitter.h.

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